11. Hurt

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          "Where am I?" I ask everyone. Rick looks at me and smiles. "We are on Hershel's farm." Rick says to me.

           I just look around the room and feel uncomfortable. "Miss... maybe you need to sit down. Let me take your blood pressure. You took a couple of hard hits to the head. You wanna tell us what happened?" Hershel asked me. I looked at him and I could tell he was a good man, but he wasn't my group. I wasn't comfortable telling him anything.

           "Daddy... lets give her a minute with her brother." I hear Maggie tell her father. Hershel turned around and looked at her and nodded. I watched as Hershel and his daughters left the room and it was just my group.

          "Can I have a minute alone with my sister?" Rick asks everyone. Everyone nodes and they all start to walk out. I watch as Daryl leaves the room. He turned and looked at me and maybe I am wrong, but I swear I see sadness in his eyes. Daryl shuts the door and I look back over at Rick. He leads me to the bed and we both sit down on it.

          "What the hell happened? Daryl said Andrea, you and him were in the woods looking for Sophia and that you took off. Said that when he and Andrea go back to the RV, you weren't there so he tracked you. When he finally found you... you were unconscious and had blood on the back of your head." Rick said to me. My heart sped up a little thinking about Daryl and him being worried about me. I know it shouldn't... because it's very obvious he doesn't like me like that.

          I really didn't want to talk about what happened, but I needed to. "After I went off on my own... I heard something in the woods. I thought... maybe it was Daryl fucking with me... I was hit with something... hard... twice. I guess my body was just in shock because I couldn't even move really. It was two men. One of the men had grabbed my ankles and drug me to their camp. We never got to the camp of course, but I could hear what they were saying... they didn't say it outright... but I'm sure that if I had gotten to their camp, they would have raped me." I said to Rick.

           I saw Rick tense at every word I said. I looked down at my hands and felt tired all the sudden. I looked back up at Rick and saw his face. It had worry and frustration written all over it. I watched as he inhaled and exhaled sharply. "Let Hershel look you over. Get some rest." Rick said to me. I watched as he got up and walked towards the door. "Hey Rick?" I said to Rick. He turned around and looked at me. "Sophia?" I asked him. He looked at the floor and then back at me and shook his head.

          I sighed and watched as Rick left the room and Hershel entered. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Sorry about earlier. Please forgive me." I said to him. He just nodded. "Hey Hershel... how is Carl? I asked him. He looked at me and smiled. "He had to have surgery, but he will pull through." Hershel said to me. I closed my eyes and smiled. "I wanted to ask Rick, but I feel like I have no right to ask." I said to Hershel without even thinking.

          "Why do you say that?" Hershel asked me. I looked at him and my eyes went wide. I really just said that out loud. "Um... nothing." I said to him. After Hershel had taken my blood pressure and check me over, I went outside.

          When I opened front door, the sunlight hit my eyes, harshly. I covered my eyes with my hands. I stepped on the porch and shut the door. "You're looking good." I heard someone say to me. I looked to my left and saw Glenn sitting there with a guitar in his hands. I smirked at him. "Well thank you. Though I probably look better than I feel." I say to him. I look out at the field and see Daryl going into the stables. I looked back over at Glenn. "Will you excuse me?"

          Once I got to the stables, I saw Daryl getting a horse ready. "Trading in the bike for a horse?" I playfully asked Daryl. I heard him chuckle. "Nah, I'm goin' to look for, Sophia." Daryl said to me. I nodded my head. "Want some company?" I asked him. I know I was in no shape to go outside, but I didn't care. He looked over at me like I was crazy.

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