8. The Highway

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           My eyes were still closed but I could feel someone carrying me. My head was killing me something awful. I felt the person who was carrying me, lay me down on a bed. "What the hell happened?" I asked myself. I slowly opened my eyes, trying to let the light in as little as possible. "Hey... you're awake." I heard someone say. I turned and saw Rick was next to me.

          My eyes shot wide awake and my face grew red. "You goddamn, asshole." I screamed at Rick just as my fist collided with his face. I watched as Rick fell to the floor and then my headache just got ten times worse. I grabbed my head with my hands and laid back down. I could hear Rick groaning from the floor but I didn't care. He had no right. "Why don't you just get the fuck out of here? I don't want to see you." I said to Rick. My eyes were still closed, but I could hear Rick could up from the floor and walk out. I let out a sigh and opened my eyes. "This RV smells." I said out loud.

                                                                                 **DARYL'S POV**
          "What the hell happened in there?" I heard Lori ask Rick. I looked up at Rick and saw his jaw was a little red. Rick put his hands on his hips and looked at Lori. "She punched me. She is not happy right now." I felt bad for what I said to her back at the CDC. Truth is I have no idea why I fucked her or why I said those horrible things to her, but what's done is done. "Rick... maybe you should have left her there. She's not a good person at heart. She can act like she is, but she isn't. I know she's your sister, but maybe we should let her leave." Lori said to Rick.

          I felt steam rushing out of my ears. June deserved better. She deserved a better family, a better group and a better life, but there is no way I'm letting her leave. No way. After all the shit she's been through, I'm not about to let her do something stupid. "Hey, Olive Oil. That's yer sister in-law. Have some goddamn respect for her." I shouted at Lori. I grabbed my bike and started it up.


          I don't know how long I was asleep, but I do know that it is still daylight out. I looked out the window and saw that we were on a highway. "Great". I said. I slowly climbed out of the bed and saw Andrea trying to figure out how to clean her gun. I turned towards the door and walked out. I saw Dale in front of the RV. "Hey Dale. Need me to do anything?" I asked Dale. I watched as Dale looked up from the engine and smiled. "Hey sweetheart. How are you feelin'?" Dale asked me. It was kind of nice to have someone ask how I was doing. I smiled at Dale. "Much better. Head is still a little sore, but other than that, I'm good." I replied to Dale.

          "Well, some are looking through cars, so I guess do that same." Dale said. I nodded at him and started walking away. I started going through a few cars. After about five minutes of scavenging, I felt someone larger than me throw me on the ground. "What the fuck? Get off me!" I said loudly to the person. I felt them basically roll me under the car. I turned to see it was Daryl. "There is a herd of walkers coming our way." Daryl said to me. I scooted a little further under the car to let him have some more room.

          Daryl scooted closer to me under the car. My heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing. "It's going to be okay. They'll pass and everyone will be all right." I said in my head. I kept my eyes closed until I smelled iron. I opened my eyes and saw T-Dog was bleeding like hell. I looked over at Daryl and nudged him. He looked over at me. "T is hurt." I said quietly. He looked at where I was looking and not even a second later he was rolling out from under the car and after T.

           I watched as Daryl took down a walker going after T. I could hear the moans from the walkers. Now I was alone. There was no way Daryl would be able to make it back to me. I put my hand over my heart and could feel it beating so hard. I looked up and saw their feet coming towards me. I put my face against the road and closed my eyes. "This will be over soon. You're going to be fine." I kept saying to myself over and over in my head.

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