35. A Leader Can't Make Every Decision

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          Still looking into those blue eyes. Those beautiful fucking eyes. I finally stopped looking into them when Rick started hollering at us all. "Let's get inside. C'mon everybody! Inside. Let's go." I feel someone wrap their arms around me. I turn and see Glenn with a smile on his face. "I thought you might want some help." Glenn said to me. I smiled at him and nodded my head.

           As Glenn helps me into the prison, all I want to do is turn around and look at Daryl. I'm confused with myself. I'm so relieved to see him here, alive. But, another part of me is still so pissed off that he abandoned me and our family for a brother that was never and never will be good for him.

          As Glenn helps me into one of the bottom cells, he lowers me down onto the bed and let's out a sigh. "I'll get Hershel. If he isn't already on his way in here." Glenn says as he exits the cell. I look down at my wound and wince at the sight of it. I still wasn't fulled healed where Merle shot me and now I got another gunshot to deal with.

          I hear someone clear their throat. I look up and see Daryl. Daryl looking down at the ground. "Hershel... said he'll be in here in a few minutes. He's just getting everything he needs ready to close you up." Daryl says to me. I nod my head at him even though he isn't looking at me. I let out a sigh and look back down at my wound. I remember that in order for Hershel to properly stitch me up, I'll need to take off my pants.

           I look up and see Daryl still standing there. I clear my throat and position myself on the bed. "Daryl... I need my pants off. You mind helping me?" I ask him. Daryl looks up at me and I can see the question going through his head. When I see that he is a little stuck I clear my throat again and that makes him look up into my eyes. "I'm pissed at you... but.. you're alive and here... so... please help me." I say to him. He nods his head at me and walks over to me.

        I take my belt off and unbutton my pants. Daryl leans down and grabs the top of my pants. His fingers slipping slightly inside to get a grip. I jump when his hands touch my skin. Daryl looks at me as if he had just hurt me. I chuckle at him. "How the hell you gonna be out in the Georgia heat and have hand that are so fucking cold?" I ask him. I see a little smile appear on his face before he blows on his hands to warm them up a bit.

           Once he believes his hands are warmed up enough, he leans down and takes my pants off. The only thing on to cover me is my underwear. I catch Daryl's eyes looking at my inner thighs and I know he can see some of the bruises. I quickly shut my legs and look away from him. I never told Daryl about what happened at Woodbury. Maybe if I had he wouldn't have left. Or maybe he wouldn't have said that I deserved what I got.

          I shake my head and remember that Daryl had a choice. He had a choice to not leave and he also had a choice of the words he spoke to me. Everything he said to me once again coming back and making me angry. "Alright. Thank you. Please get out." I say to him in a cold voice.

           Not long after that Hershel came in a stitch me up. Thankfully the bullet went through. Hershel told me I just gotta be careful and not to push my leg more than necessary.

           After I pulled my pants back up, I see a shadow overtake the cell. I turn around and see Rick. "We're all having a discussion. Wanna join?" Rick asks me. I nod my head and limp out of the cell. Each time my leg hits the ground pain shoots through me.

         I lean against the cement walls and listen to everyone speak.

          "We need to leave. We have children, Rick. A fight isn't worth it. I say we pack up and find somewhere else." Hershel says to Rick. Rick looks at Hershel and shakes his head. "We're not leaving." Rick says to Hershel. Hershel looks at me, possibly wanting me to step in, but I just shrug my shoulders. Truth is, I wanna stay. I wanna kill The Governor. But, I look at Carl and Judith and see that if we're are gonna stay and fight, it has to be a group decision. Not just mine. I care more about Carl and Judith than I do about my own revenge.

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