4. Fish Fry

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**I need to put a trigger warning here. There will be a attempted sexual assault in this chapter. So if you get triggered by it, please don't read this chapter.**

I woke up to the smell of fish being cooked. I was never a fan of fish, but I also knew that I couldn't be picky these days. As I stood up, I realized it was dark outside. My mind started racing. "Please let Rick and the others be back." I kept saying to myself. I grabbed my gun and put it back in its holster and ran out of the tent. I immediately saw some of the others sitting around eating fish. "Are they not back yet?" I asked the group. They all just looked at me and I got my answer. My heart started beating fast. Rick and the others shouldn't be in Atlanta. Especially at night.

"Shane we have to go after them." I say to Shane. He just looks up at me. I start to get nervous and Shane notices. He gets up from the chair he was seated in and walks towards me. He grabs my arm lightly and starts to walk back towards his tent. He opens the flap to the tent and nods for me to step in. Once we are both inside, he zips up the door and looks at me. "June... you know we can't. It's dark and we have no idea where they are exactly. It would be more dangerous to look for them." Shane tells me. Putting his hands on his hips. I sigh... he's right... I wish he wasn't but he was. "It is dark. So what about tomorrow? Huh? You and I can go and look for them." I tell him with a little hope in my voice. He just sighs and looks down at the group. "We can't. I'm sorry." The moment he said that, I wanted nothing more than to strangle him. "That is my brother. That is your best friend and the people that went with him are good people." Shane looked up at me with dark eyes.

He slowly walked towards me. I felt scared because I've never seen his face with so much anger in it. "Glenn and T-Dog, they are good people, but Dixon and his brother Merle, are not. I'm not risking my life for a couple of douche bags and since your brother left to help those Dixon's... Well he can rot in Atlanta for leaving all of us." Shane hisses at me. My blood start to boil. How could he say such horrible things. "Rick went to help a brother get his brother back. We left Merle on that rooftop. That was wrong of us and Daryl had every right to be pissed. I love and respect my brother for helping him and hell... from the way you sound... sounds like my brother is safer with Daryl watching his back than you." The moment I said that, Shane's hands went around my throat. I was horrified. Shane has never once laid a hand on me.

He pushes me down on his cot and I feel helpless. I can't scream for help, I can't fight him as he is much stronger than I am. "Of course you would be okay with a Dixon. Nobody but some bum that does drugs, drinks and fucks. You seem to like those types." Shane says to me. My heart starts to hurt. Not just from the lack of oxygen, but because it brought back the painful memory of why Carl doesn't know me. I feel Shane's hands leave my throat and I start gasping for air. Next thing I know Shane puts a hand over my mouth and forced me to look at him. "The best part about you is, I can do whatever I want and no one will ever believe you." Shane whispers to me. He leans down and starts kissing on my neck. I couldn't do anything. I was in shock. He has never been this way towards me. This isn't the Shane I grew up with. No, this was someone else.

I felt Shane's free hand start to roam all over my body and that made me realize that he was really going to do this. I start to thrash and kick. I wanted nothing more than to get away from him. He still had a tight grip around my mouth so I couldn't say or scream anything. I felt his free hand start to go down south and I wanted to cry. This can't be happening, this shouldn't be happening. My stomach started to turn. I wanted to puke so bad right now. Just as I felt his fingers slip into the waistband of my panties, I heard a growl. Then another, and another, and another. I knew what it was. Walkers. More than one, but Shane couldn't hear them. He was too busy trying to violate me. I knew I needed to get him to hear the walkers. Lori, Carl and the group need to be warned.

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