24. - Past

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“Mom!” I yelled from my room, my hands holding a shirt each.

Mom came running into my door, “What is it?”

“Which one do you like?” I asked her, showing the shirts on my hands. One was beige and the other was blue-ish denim color.

“I like this one,” she pointed to the beige one. I nodded.

“Thanks Mom.”

She raised a thumb and went back downstairs. I stared at my shirt.

It was mine and Dylan’s 200 days anniversary today, and as he said, he liked to keep anniversaries by 100 days. So I was thinking about surprising him.

My beige shirt was not actually a plain beige color. It was squares with beige, black and white. It had a short collar with gold buttons which was really cute. I slipped it on and matched it with my coffee-color high-waist shorts.

I combed my hair carelessly, letting the curvy pieces show. Then I clipped a white bow on the side to hold up my thin braids.

It was about 8 in the morning. I glanced over at my gift for him and smiled. It was a small crystal jar filled with colorful paper stars I spent all night making. I know, pretty cliché. Oh well, guess I do watched too much dramas.

I went over to my table where the jar was, and pulled out a decorated small piece of paper that people use as fancy sticky notes – except the part where it wasn’t sticky, it was just a square, cute paper.

I wrote, ‘Hey my dumb-butt, I love you forever and ever <3’ Smiling at my handwriting, I added,

“Happy 200 days anniversary – as you said”

I rolled the piece of paper and secured it with a strip of pink ribbon. Then shoving it into the jar of stars so that ¾ of the roll is dipped in the stars.

Carefully handling the jar, I glanced at myself one last time in the mirror before grabbing my chapstick and phone and skipped downstairs. I quickly drank a cup of milk and shoved a butter biscuit into my mouth then ran passed the living room to the door. I slipped on my white doll shoes and before I could take another step, I heard my mom coughing.

“Going somewhere?” she smirked, lifting her eyebrow.

I smiled, “Yeah I’m just going over to Dylan’s.”

She pointed to my stars jar, I waved my hand. “I’ll tell you later Mom, gotta run I’m late!” With that I kissed her on the cheek and ran to catch the bus. Mom just stood there shaking her head and smiling. She’s like my teenage girlfriend.

Arriving at Dylan’s door 15 minutes later, I smiled to myself and knocked the door. No one came out. I glanced at the driveway, Dylan’s car was here. I turned around and knocked harder this time, suddenly the door moved. It wasn’t locked. I frowned, sensing something odd going on. Pushing opening the door, I tiptoed inside and carefully close the door behind me. The house was perfectly still. Maybe Dylan’s just deep-sleeping upstairs. Yeah, must be. I told myself that and excitedly walked to his room.

The door was closed, signaling he was inside. Dylan never close his door when he leaves, I wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was a habit? I don’t know, I always close MY door when I leave my room.

I stopped thinking nonsense stuff inside my head and opened the door. As soon as I touched the doorknob, planning to burst in and shout something sweet, I heard a voice. And it wasn’t Dylan’s.

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