31. - Present

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             I suddenly hear Run The World playing and reluctantly from my comfy sleep, I open my eyes. Damn, somebody forgot to close the curtains last night. I think I'm going blind.

            "Turn it off!" Dylan's voice speaks up next to me and I turn over remembering we cuddled last night, my cheeks immediately turn hot. His arm is draped over my torso and his face is lying next to my neck. No wonder why it felt warm there!

            "Is that your phone?" I ask, as my eyes adjust to the brightness. "You have Beyonce as your alarm?"

            "Hey, don't judge." I laugh when he pulls me in tighter. I extend my hand to swipe the phone on the nightstand and the alarm turns off. I look over at Dylan to see he is already awake. "Morning."

            "Good morning," I beam and then cover my face. "This is so weird."

            Dylan chuckles. "I know right?"

            "I'm going to have to get used to this," I take my hands off and smile. He reaches up and kisses my cheek.

            "Oh, love. It won't take long," he whispers and I giggle. God, who am I? 14-year-old with her first crush?

            "Well, that escalated quickly," I wiggle my eyebrows and suddenly there is a knock on the door. I frown, "Who is visiting so early?"

            "Must be one of my one night stands," Dylan says and I turn to him. "Kidding baby," he kisses my nose and I punch his arm before standing up to go get the door.

            "Heeee..yy..." Catherine appears behind the door and after trailing off her sentence, she examines me. "Girl, you look like you just woke up from having se-"

            "Shhhh..." I cover her mouth. "You're not making things less awkward," I roll my eyes.

            "So you did?" her jaw hangs from her mouth. I scrunch up my nose.


            Catherine exhales. "Whew, so," she starts walking into my room and stops when she sees my messing bed with Dylan on it compares to the neat bed on the other side. She turns to me, "Did you say you didn't, or did have sex?"

            I groan and slap her arm hard before going to the mirror to start getting my hair into a bun.

            "Morning to you too, Catherine," Dylan calls from the bed and I laugh.

            Catherine gives him a look as if saying 'you better not try anything funny' and turn to me. "So it's almost April break."

            I finish rounding the elastic around my hair, "I know, isn't great? I mean, just got back from a trip and vacation is here."

            "Yeah," she grins. "Should we go somewhere fun?"

            "Like where?" I ask.

            Catherine shrugs. "I don't know, that's why I'm asking you."

            "Maybe we can all go back to New York where I went to high school," I say. "Well, where we went to high school," I wink at Dylan. He chuckles, getting out of bed and giving me a kiss before going to the bathroom.

            "So," Catherine looks at me suspiciously. "You and Dylan?"

            "Last night after we got back," I inform her. Just then I hear my phone singing my ringtone. I pick it up from the bed. Unknown number, hm.

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