26. - Past

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"Babe, it's just a break up," Janelle tried to ease my sob as Ashton and Chris were standing beside her. "You'll get over it."

I cried while grabbing more tissue papers, "He cheated on me, and he said he'd rather sleep with that bitch than being with me!"

"I know," she sighed. "Assholes, let's forget about him, Kaylie."

"I- I can't," I stuttered between sobs.

Janelle patted my back, "Sure you can! You're strong!" I wiped my face like a cat.

"Ca-can we go get some ice-cream?" I asked, clearly looking like a 4 years old.

The three of them chuckled as Janelle nodded. "Sure, sure babe. Food over boys, yay!" she cheered while still laughing.


"Apparently the heartbreak does nothing to your sense of eating," Janelle commented, while enjoying her own ice-cream. While me? Hell, I was shoving ice-cream into my mouth like a person who suffered hunger for 8 years.

I slyly looked at her. "Nothing can do anything to my sense of eating, dear Janelle."

"So it's going to be snowing hard soon," Chris said, out of the blues. I looked at him, as well as Janelle and Parker. "Do you guys want to go snowboarding? Like go to the cabin on the hills?"

My eyes lit up. "Oh my God, yes!"

Janelle chuckled, "Yeah, we can ski and snowboard and do all sort of things!"

"Great," Chris grinned. "I'll be booking the tickets!"

We all nodded. I sighed - well, I need distractions to get over Dylan, don't I?


"Kaylie, I'll go and get my lunch," Janelle informed, as soon as we put our water bottles on a random table in the cafeteria. "You sit here and wait for me."

"Wow, bossy much?" I commented while smirking at her. Janelle rolled her eyes before making her ways to the food stands.

I sat with my face on my hands, elbows on the table, scanning around the cafeteria before my eyes collided with Dylan. I gritted my teeth.

He just had to be everywhere I go - I thought, pissed off because of Fate.

Clinging onto his arm was some bitchy slut I had no idea what her name was. She was obviously flirting with him. I felt my blood boiled.

Stop, Kaylie Taylor! Pull your shit together, he isn't yours anymore. He's a jerk, an asshole, remember? - my brain told me and I nodded, agreeing with it. Ew I'm weird.

"I'm back!" Janelle sang as she put two plates of pizza on the table. When I didn't respond, she turned to the direction I was looking and scowled.

"Earth to Kaylie," she snapped her finger. "Stop looking at that arse and eat your pizza!"

I looked at her and nodded, pulling the pizza plate to myself. Chris came out of nowhere and sat down with us.

"Wha- I thought you have third lunch period today?" I asked, munching on the pointy corner of the pizza.

Chris shrugged, "My English teacher is absent, so I have a free, which meant I have second lunch. Good, I'm starving anyways."

I chuckled, before biting a piece out of my glorious pizza. Suddenly I saw Dylan's eyes on mine and then moved to Chris, and back to me. I held myself back and gave him a 'wtf do you want?' look. Oh yas, self-five Kaylie!

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