28. - Present

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“My God, I’m sweating like there is no tomorrow!” I whine, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand.

“Aren’t you just dramatic today!” Catherine says next to me. I huffed.

We are on our way to another museum to learn about 80s Music and Music History. How smart of Berklee to rent a big ass bus for us, and thanks to the odd museum being in a small street, THE BUS CANNOT TURN IN THERE.

I guess you do know what that means. Yep, thirty freaking minutes walking for us.

Again, thank you very much for this fucking weather.  It is like 90 degrees and I am really to be burnt. I don’t get it. How the hell does Catherine not complain about this? Why doesn’t anyone complain about this? Why am I the only one? Seriously, they make it looks like I’m the dramatic one. I’m not!

“Are we there yet, oh my God,” I cried, dragging myself. I see Catherine rolling her eyes. So much for friends…

“Stop whining, princess,” a voice suddenly appears behind me. I turn around to see Dylan grinning at me. My cheeks glow at the sight for a moment, but I quickly control it. I mean, who blushes for someone who broke your heart by cheating on you 3 years ago? Not me, definitely.

“Don’t call me that,” I frown, fanning myself with my right hand. “It is really hot, guys!”

Dylan laughs, so does Catherine. Wow, okay. Really Catherine?

I cross my arms.

“Okay, don’t make that face,” Dylan says, grinning. “We’ll be there soon.”

“Soon as in another ten minutes,” I point out dramatically. Okay, maybe I am dramatic. “I think I might die when we get there. My legs are sore too!” I scrunch up my nose and use my fist to massage my thighs.

Dylan shakes his head, chuckling. And then something weird and unexpected happens.

Dylan comes and bents before me, motioning me to his back.

What does he want to do?

“Climb on,” Dylan says. “I’ll save your legs from dying.” He sounds like half-joking half-serious.

To say I am horrified will probably be an understatement. I am scared shitless. Well, they are the same thing but whatever.

I turn to Catherine, whose jaw is now hanging open. She quickly recovers and winks at me. Har-har, very funny, Cath.

“Er, I think I’m fine…?” I meant to say it normally, but obviously I have no idea how it comes out as a question.

“Are you sure?” Dylan asks, and it looks like he is smirking at me.

“Y-yeah,” I stutter and mentally smack myself. Stupid! Why am I stuttering? I never stutter unless I am nervous. And I should not be nervous right now because Dylan cheated on me and I hate him!

Yeaah riiight, you just admitted you love him this morning.

No I did not!

Yes you did!





Okay fine, yes! But it does NOT mean I should forgive him and give him a second chance. I mean, how am I even sure he is serious?

Oh geez, Kaylie. Quit being dramatic wouldn’t you? He confessed it last night!

The Designated Dorm RoomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ