7. - Present

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This chapter is once edited.

(it'll probably be edited a few more times)


"Classes today?" Dylan asks me while he's still on the bed.

"No shit." I reply and walk out the door. "Don't bring any girls in here for funny things, you can do that somewhere else." And I close the door. Ugh, it’s so irritating living with him. I can’t stand seeing his face every day. If it was three years ago, I’d be squealing in joy. But now? Er, uh no. No thanks.

As I was walking to the main building, my mind floods with thoughts. Why am I being so nice to him? Shouldn't I be hating him? He's a jerk. But doesn't that show that I'm still not over that though? Argh. No, I'm over that. But there's no reason for me to be nice to a guy like him. This is so tough, you're abusing me, Fate.

I arrive at my class and find an empty seat. Class doesn't start until 8 and it's only 7:45. I pull out my iPad and read the book I'm currently reading on iBook that I bought. This is my favorite author. She wrote all kind of Teen Fictions and they're like so relatable. My eyes leave my iPad and wander to the door when a group of girls walk in, and I realize Brittany Defeau - Dylan's I-think-girlfriend.

"Alright, alright, okay see you!" Brittany says into her phone and takes a seat. I never knew she was in my class until yesterday, when I discovered that she's Dylan's girlfriend.

What's wrong with me? Why do I even care? Should I care? I hit my head. No of course I shouldn't.

Professor Julie came in.

"Good morning class, turn your book to page 28 please."

. . .

"Er God, why is this day so long?" I groan as I open the dorm room and limp inside. Dylan was sitting on his bed watching Netflix. I walk pass him and throw my backpack on the floor, okay, not literally throw, there's my iPad in there.

"Back so early," Dylan turns his head and look at me "Aren't you supposed to have lunch first?"

"Does it matter to you if I have lunch or not?" I make an uncomfortable face as I hop onto my bed.

"Okay." Dylan shrugs and continues his movie. 

I grab my pajama and change into it. My afternoon class is cancelled today so I have the whole rest of the day free. Too tired and don't feel like eating, I pull my blanket and drift to sleep.

When I wake up, it was already 4. Dylan is still in the room, doing his work. I sit up and rub my eyes. "You don't have afternoon class?" I ask Dylan.

He looks up at me. "I think that's why I'm still here."

I didn't say anything, just get out of bed and sip from the water bottle on my desk.

"I might not be back until 11 tonight. Just saying so you won't think I am abducted by aliens." He says with a smirk.

I scoff.

"I would honestly love it if aliens abduct you." I roll my eyes. That way I can have the dorm to my own.

"Sadly that's not happening, princess." He smirks again then stands up to pack his bag. "I'm going out with my girlfriend."

"Thanks for informing, I really care about that." Really, I don't.

"Just saying." He shrugs and walks to the door. "Have fun by yourself." He says as he closes the door.

"It's always funner without you, Carter!" I shout back.

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