35. - Present

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Heyyyyy guyssss. Before anyone even mention it, I know - I've been MIA for months now. Geez, I've been having too much fun. Literally. I went back to Vietnam (my home country) from June to near September and apparently haven't been writing at all. I'm such an irresponsible person. But anywho, I'm back in Boston, school started like two weeks ago and I decided that I'll update more frequently before the tests and quizzes season starts and I'll probably be MIA again. But we're not there yet ;) Too much ranting, here is chapter 35. OH AND BTW, new cover alert :D Enjoy xx  - Stella S.

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    Ch. 35

                "God damn. And I thought airplanes are the worst."

                "No kidding," I retort, looking at Janelle while stretching my muscles. 

                We are currently at the Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts stop, about two hours from Boston and two hours to New York. I seriously cannot feel my butt, it's like the pressure of my weight onto my butt against the chair destroy my butt veins. 

                Butt veins... Is that a thing?

                "You know, I read somewhere that for every 30 minutes you sit without standing up, your lifespan decreases," Catherine counters, her hand holding the hat of her head.

                "What?" Janelle and I yell. I say, "I think I'll die at 35 then."

                "Who will die at 35?"

                I turn around and see Dylan standing there with a large carton tray in his hand, containing four drinks. I pick the vanilla coolatta up and give him a kiss. "Thanks."

                Janelle and Catherine make gagging faces and pick their drinks up before taking a sip, too. They always make gagging faces when Dylan and I act sweet... I lose count on how many times they have gagged on the two hours drive from Boston. Dramatic girls...

               "Want some?" Janelle hold out a mini donut in front of my face. Well, I haven't had breakfast...

               I open my mouth and take the snack in. "This is good."

               "Feed your girlfriend, it's your job!" she snaps at Dylan jokingly.

               He sips his drink. "Didn't you just do that?"

               "I mean the next piece, moron."

               I laugh, picking up a donut from the box. "Here, how about I feed you, babe?" I bat my eyelids like those girls in the movies do. Janelle and Catherine also join my laughter.

               "I'm on a diet," he whines and Catherine grimaces.

               "Diet? Are you kidding me?"

               He nods. "Yeah." And bites the donut from my hand.

               Freaking moron.

. . .

               "Here, Janelle, hold this please." I gave her my bag so I could look for the keys to the door.

               "I got it," Dylan says before beating Janelle to it and grabbed the bag from my hand before grinning at me. Janelle rolls her eyes but smiles. I fumble with the keys and insert the right one into the hole. The door clicks open and we walk inside. "Is anyone home?" he asks me.

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