27. - Present

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heyy. so i'm back after all these busy days. all these dresses going on that just distract me from what i'm doing lol. so, enjoy?


Ø  Dylan Carter’s POV:

          I opened my eyes which are greeted with sun-shining sunrays. God damn sunny days. I rather it be cold and I’ll snuggle all day in my bed. Call me a dramatic girl, if you will.

        But then again, I remember we are on a trip to Austria, so duh, of course it is sunny. Have you gotten stupid overnight, Dylan?

            And now I am talking to myself…

          Rubbing my eyes, I turn my head to see Kaylie sleeping on her bed, the sheets pulled up to her chin. I smiled unintendedly, remembering what happened last night. She was finally opening up and I saw her vulnerable side, crying and letting it all out. And I finally did what I was intending to do, ask her for a second chance.

             Let’s roll back on our memory lane, do you, by any chance, recall any events of me saying this is all part of my plan? To get back on her for lying to my feelings years ago? Well, you can call be itchy and girly and that I should get over it, or whatever – I won’t judge. But come on, really? She hurts me, I have the right to revenge.


“It’s okay man, just explain to her,” Mark said, tapping on my shoulder as I told him what happened last night, when Jennifer appeared out of nowhere in the morning and Mom ran up telling me Kaylie was downstairs, crying because she saw me naked with that bitch in bed.

Urgh, no. Too much information to absorb in one morning. A hangover morning.

But then it hit me. Kaylie.

Throwing on my sweatpants, I literally almost kicked Jennifer in the face trying to storm downstairs, only to see Kaylie with her stars jar on my couch, her face stained with tears.


… Fuck. Fuck.

“She won’t believe me,” I answered Mark. I was slobbering like a girl the whole morning. “I mean, what reason could you give your girlfriend for seeing you practically naked in bed with the school’s slut?”

“Did you and Jennifer do anything though?” he asked and I shrugged.

“Probably not, I mean, I was drunk as hell. If anything, it’ll be the alcohol doing,” I said.

He gave me the look. “Duh, everyone knows that.”

“Then what?”

“Then Kaylie would know that,” he said. “Just go tell her what happened, for God’s sake.”

I groaned because he was right. I would have to talk and explain to her anyway. Hell, I’m not losing Kaylie just like that. Just when I was about to turn around and make my way to Kaylie, a hand with bright red nails made its way to my shoulder.

“Hey babe,” Jennifer voice gave me Goosebumps. My blood boils.

“Get the fuck out of here,” I snapped. “If anything happens, I swear, you’ll pay.”

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