13. - Present

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“Miss? Miss, what would you like to order?”

I break out of my thoughts and sights, turning around to see the Italian food counter’s girl is staring at me questioning.

“Uhh…” I look at her, panicking because I was lost in my thoughts that I forgot what was happening. “I’m sorry,” I look at her, then down to the floor, my two hands on my temples, “two Italian salads please.” I tell her.

“Okay, please wait a moment.” She turns inside and calls for the order, “your total is $5.25 please.”

I give her the money and step aside so other people can order. I stare back to Dylan. Brittany is standing there with him now, giggling as she holds the plate of pizza. Dylan says something and then kisses her.

“Here are your salads, Miss.” Another girl behind calls and gives me the salads.

“Thank you.”

I walk back to my table.

“That was long.” Comments Catherine as she raises her eyebrows.

“Apparently everyone is going on an Italian diet.” I shrug and sit down.

We eat our salad and make jokes as we watch the advertisings on the small television hanging from the ceiling. I glare over to Dylan and his cheerleader girlfriend, who is wearing butt-height shorts and it is like 52 degrees outside. I thought of an idea.

I stand up and walk over to their table. Dylan – who now has seen me walking towards them – widens his eyes at me and opens his mouth to say something. “Ka-“

Before he finishes what he was going to say, or even starts it, I take the cup of water on the table and pour it onto him. Brittany turns around to stare at me.

“What the fuck?” Dylan shouts as he jumps out of his seat, his face clearly pissed.

Brittany just stares horrifyingly at me without saying anything. I smirk at Dylan and turn to away.

“Kaylie Mills Taylor, you stand right there until to explain to me what the hell this shit is for!” Dylan orders me.

I turn around, “Oh sorry, I didn’t know I have another father named Dylan Carter.” I smile cruelly at him – the smile that jerks give to their innocent girlfriend after having sex with her or something – and walk away.

I pick up my finished salad on the table, where Catherine is also freakily widening her eyes at my actions. I raise my eyebrows. “C’mon, let’s go.” I walk towards the trash and dump the plastic plate in. Catherine follows me.

“What was that for?” Catherine asks while we are walking to the pet store in the mall. I know right, there’s a pet store in a mall. Mind blown.

I smile contentedly, “Messing up with the jerk.” Felt so good, I swear.

“Do you hate him that much?”

I turn to face her. “Cath Paige, I don’t hate him. I have a desire to revenge on him.”

Her eyes stare at me.

“Revenge for what?”

“We need to talk about this at another place, it’s a long story.”

So we go to the park behind the school, where it is fortunately deserted today. I tell Catherine the whole story, from A to Z. I mean, I need someone to share with, and Cath and I have been friends since the first day of college already. Anyhow, I tell her how Dylan and I had a history, an ugly one, how he betrayed me, how we ended up hating each other,…

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