14. - Past

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"Janelle slow down!" I shouted, out of breath.

Janelle and I were going on a dance shopping. Apparently the dance coming up this Friday wasn't that important. It's not like it's a homecoming or a prom or anything like that, like, c'mon, we have dances every 2 months. But Janelle said a hot guy in 11th grade asked her to the dance and he was going to wear blue and white so she wanted to get something matched to his clothes. Tsk, girls. Okay, I'm a girl too, but I'm not THAT picky about outfits...

"Kaylie Taylor, speed up girl!!" Janelle said, rushing me.

I rolled my eyes, "Janelle Robertson, I don't have legs like yours."

"That's bullshit, your legs are 27.5 inches." retorted Janelle. It is actually creepy why she knew my legs' length... "Come on!" and she pulled my arms.

We stopped by a small shop called La Princesa – which meant "The Princess" in Spanish by the way – and we glanced inside. There were dance's dresses of all kinds. Long, short, mid,...

We went inside and started looking around.

"Kaylie!" Janelle squealed while I was checking out a little-bit-above-knee white dress that looked like a tutu from the belly down.

"What is it?"

"This would match Parker's colors perfectly!" She was holding out a mid-high light blue dress with shining darker blue highlights. It honestly would match blue and white, I admitted.

"Go try it on!" I told her.

11 minutes later, she came out with the dress on her. And WOW, she looked gorgeous. Dude, if she comes to the dance like this, she'll take all the boys away... Janelle has a mix between Spanish and Massachusetts, so for some reason her skin matched perfectly with blue. Her hair is chocolate brown, and it is natural curly. I am so jealous... Maybe I should get a new best friend so my self-esteem can be pushed up. Yeah... Maybe I should...

"Is it okay?" she worriedly asked me, because I was busy opening my mouth at her dress, and her body. Ew, that sounded creepy.

"Okay? Are you kidding? Parker is going to drool for you babe." I exclaimed.

She smiled with a blush, "So flattered." And then she gave the dress to the lady at the counter. "So what have you looked at?"

She pulled the tail of the white dress I was checking on early for her to see. "I like this." The dress had a bow on the side, and if you haven't known me, I'm literally obsessed with bows.

"That," she said, "is a hell of a perfect dress. I'm sure it'll fit perfectly on you." And then she scoffed, "I mean, duh, you look perfect in everything."

My turn to feel flattered now.

I smiled at the dress, but then turned to Janelle with a frown. "No one had asked me to dance yet," I pouted, "I doubt this dress would be able to make any appearance."

"Nonsense, you can still go to the dance with no dates. Or you can still use it for the Prom." Janelle said with her enthusiasm.

"Sounds like desperate." I rolled my eyes, but then I got it anyways. She was right; I can still use it for the So-Pro this year, which stands for Sophomore Prom by the way. I know, the sophomore's student councils are GENIUSES.


After shopping, we walked to my house because Mom told me to invite Janelle for dinner. Well, Janelle would have come without the invitation from my mom anyways, she comes for dinner every weekend, for my parents and hers are friends. And WE are best friends.

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