37. Present

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Hello lovelies!

Thank you all for the reads and the votes! We have recently crashed 13K reads and actually made a ranking in the Teen Fiction category. It's #385 or something but it's better than nothing, isn't it? 

Because I'm having my Spring Break next week, there might (not for sure but I'll try!) be another update the following weekend and you guys don't have to wait for eternity. Hehe :)

For now, enjoy! - Stella S.

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Ch. 37

          Ø Dylan Carter's POV:

"Dylan, Dylan!" Kaylie calls as she waves towards me. "Come quick! Look at the flamingoes!" She points to the flock of probably 100 pink birds standing on one legs, scattered around the pond.

"Calm down, woman! You told me to go get ice cream for you," I retort, scrunching my nose as I approach her and hand her the cone with 5-color-with-a-totally-weird-flavor ice cream on top. Why can't she just grab some vanilla or chocolate? Girls are so weird, I swear.

And they're so cute.

Especially Kaylie when she eats her ice cream like a child.

Cute Kaylie? Since when do you start going around, calling your for-revenge-purpose girlfriend 'cute', Dylan?

"Thanks, babe." Kaylie grins at me. "Want some?"

I shake my head and she shrugs. "Okay, then. You're missing out."

"It's just a 5-color ice cream." I roll my eyes and lean in, right when Kaylie's lips are munching on the sweet, and kiss her through the ice cream.

Her eyes widen and she quickly pulls back. "Dylan!" She flushed.

I taste the sugary on my lips and wink at her. "Mm, it's better when I eat it like that."

Kaylie scrunches her nose and pushes my arm.

"Ow, ow, babe," I said. "Come on, let's go find the others. Stop blushing." I chuckle at her and lace her fingers between mine before pulling her with me.

We finally find the rest of the group, fascinating over red pandas.

"Oh my God, that's so cute!"

I look at Kaylie. "Babe, it's not like you haven't seen a panda before."

"But it's a red panda, Dylan!" she exaggerates. "That looks nothing like a normal panda."

Then we continue to the rest of the zoo, stopping at some places for lunch and snacks. Every time we pass a cute animal like a koala, a baby snow leopard, polar bears, or penguins, Kaylie, Janelle and Catherine all swoon together like a group of fangirls at a One Direction concert.

None of them likes 1D.

          Ø  End Dylan Carter's POV:

. . .

All of us are exhausted by the time we make it home from the zoo trip, including Ashton, and trust me when I say Ashton isn't easily worn out. You can imagine how intense the zoo was. 

Speak of Ashton, I noticed he was constantly checking his phone during our walk in the zoo. Like, secretively and very shadily. 

Gasps, does he have a secret girlfriend that we don't know of?

He better not, because we have made a pact when we were children that we will tell each other our crushed and significant others. Weird pact for a brother and a sister but it is still a pact!

Okay, fine. I might have broken the pact when I secretly got back together with Dylan and Ashton actually does not know until we were actually in New York. 

But it was for Dylan's safety. Who knows what Ashton might do if I call him and tell him that I have gotten back with the 'asshole' (as Ashton calls him) that broke my heart 3 years ago? Being the protective brother he is, he might actually chop off Dylan's balls, much to Dylan's fear.

. . .

"Dylan," I sing, opening the door, only to find my boyfriend lying flat out on the bed like he's attached to it. "Dylan!"

"Yes, babe? I'm sleeping."

I jump on his back. "I can see that."

"And yet, you jump on me?" he asks, still half-asleep. "Don't you love me?" he jokes.

I don't reply. Ever since we got back together, none of us has said the big L word to each other. Mainly because it might be kind of harder to say now (we've only been together for nearly 2 months), and also I'm scared of the emotional attachment that might come with it, and the disappointment if anything ever happen again.

"Let's go take a beach-walk," I suggest, pushing on his back.

He turns his head to face me. "What?"

"Come on, it's romantic!"

"You never come off as the romantic one!" Dylan groans.

I slap his shoulder. "That's such a lie. Come on, get up and get dressed! It might be chilly."

Took me nearly half an hour to get Dylan fully out of bed, properly dressed and entirely awake. You have no idea how much work that is. We borrow Ashton's car without asking (I sneak the keys from his coat) and drive to the nearest beach. 

Because it is nearly 10PM, almost no one is there, except for those who are crazy just like us and want to catch a cold in a 50 degree night like this. I take off my sandals to feel the frosty sand under my feet, holding on to Dylan's arm.

"We could be snuggling in warm blankets right now, Kay," Dylan complains.

I pout at him. "Aw, but this is so much more romantic."

"And cold."

"Oh, man up!" I tease.

We stroll for about 15 more minutes along the seaside before settling down and sitting facing the blue water. Very cliché-ly romantic, indeed. Well-done, Kaylie.

Breezes. I shiver. Ugh, I thought I put on enough clothes.

"Are you cold?" Dylan asks, and he pulls me closer to him.

"Not really, but if that's a reason to snuggle to your side, then yes I'm cold." I grin at him.

He scrunches his nose. "Since when are you so cheesy?"

I laugh and put my head on his shoulder. I hate to face it, but I am actually starting to trust him wholeheartedly again. And the scar 3 years ago is healed.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"I love you," I whisper.

End of Ch. 37

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Media: A cute gif from Full House (Thai Version) of Aom and Mike kissing through ice-cream eating ;) Swoonnnn.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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