17. - Present

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“Kaylie pass me the water bottle.”

I sigh irritatingly and throw Dylan the water bottle. “Why have you been treating me like your slave lately?” I ask.

“Because we’re friends?” Dylan winks and smirks.

I roll my eyes, “You’re retarded.”

“Thank you, that I am.” He chuckles.

“Aren’t you supposed to have class today?” I raise my eyes from the laptop and ask.

He shrugs, still reading his book, “Nah, the professor is absent today. Got a day off.”

It’s a Thursday, which meant it have been a week since I agree to the “pretending friendship” of Dylan the Jerk. He had been asking me to do all sort of things like I’m his slave or something… “Kaylie get me the bottle,” “Kaylie grab me my phone on the floor,” “Kaylie my paper dropped near your bed,…” Oh my gosh Dylan, our room is like 200 meters squared… Go and get it yourself! But it’s good because we no longer try to kill each other’s phone.

“Where are you going?” He looks up at me. Great, now he’s going to be my dad too…

“Lunch duh.” I raise my eyebrow at him, and walk out of the room before he can reply.

. . .

Ø  Dylan Carter’s POV:

Okay guys, I know what you are all thinking, but trust me: I am not crazy.

You probably want to know why I offered Kaylie the “pretending friendship” deal. There are several reasons so you might want to take a seat.

First, like I mentioned in the deal, we ARE going to be stuck together for at least 2 to 3 more years. So I guess it would be better if we’re not like, mocking and glaring at each other 24/7 and try to murder each other in our sleeps, because hell, if Kaylie says it, she’s gonna do it. I mean, we can pretend we are good roommates and not hate each other or anything, right? Plus, Kaylie is a musical genius. If I get stuck on my work or something, I can ask for her help. Guys, I’m not using her or anything… It’s friends’ help, okay? Okay.

Second: now before I go telling you all about my plan, please be warned that these are all asshole-y ideas and I’m pretty sure you guys – especially girls – are going to throw tomatoes at me but just hear me out, I have my reasons. Legit ones.

Okay, so I want to see if Kaylie for some reasons still has feelings for me or not. If she does, I’m going to make her fall deeply for me, and then do the thing all assholes do: dump her and break her heart.

Woah guys, chill down. You should have known what she did to me. Right after the night we fought, I saw her in the school’s cafeteria with another boy. And I was going to apologize to her.

See? Now you’re all thinking about it huh. It’s complicated, but Kaylie deserves some revenging. She lied to me all, I thought she was different. I know I created this friendship thing to basically be friends but there’s no way I’m forgiving her through all that. I know I’m a guy and shouldn’t be all mushy and girly about revenging but I had a heart too!

This is just the beginning, first things first; I need to capture her attention.

Ø  End Dylan Carter’s POV

. . .

I am walking back to my dorm room after dinner at the cafeteria with Catherine when we stop mid-way. In front of 206 door are Dylan and Brittany smooching.

“Gross.” comments Catherine which makes Dylan and Brittany pull apart. Brittany stares uncomfortably at us.

I walk to the door and push them away from it, “You can finish making out after I close this door.” I say to them without emotions and turn to Catherine, “Bye Cath!”

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