36. - Present

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Ch. 36

I wake up alone on the bed, even though Dylan and I cuddled to sleep last night (yes, classy, I know). I get up and stretch before washing myself up. Then I go to the kitchen, where I catch Dylan cooking.

Gasps! Dylan cooking?

I creep up behind him and quickly wrap my arms around his torso. Dylan jumps before turning his head to me. I smile at him. "Hi."

"Morning," he beams. I move my head to advert my glance towards the stove.

"What are you making?" I ask. "I didn't know you cook."

Dylan looks at me in disbelief. "What? You liar. I made you lunch once when you came over to my house when we were dating years ago."

"Oh." I tilt my head and suddenly it clicks. "OH! I remember now!" I half-yell while grinning at him.

He looks disappointed in me though. "I can't believe you forget these stuff."

I pout. "It's been a really long time. What are you making now?"


"Smell good," I comment and tighten my arms around him while rubbing my cheek against his back. I hear him chuckling.

"Kaylie, what are you doing?"


Suddenly, Dylan turns around and before I know it, his arms were secured around my waist. I look at the pan in panic. "Dylan, the pancakes..!" I barely finish my sentence when his lips are pressed against mine. I widen my eyes.

He breaks away. "The pancakes are going to be fine if you'd stop distracting me," he teases, winking at me.

I flush and cross my arms. "Dylan Carter..."

"Breakfast's ready!" he calls out and suddenly the room is filled with people.

I look around at my family, Janelle and Catherine with a look of confusion. "Wait- Why are you all here so fast?"

"We're hungry, Kaylie, let's eat." Janelle says while everyone settles down into the table, leaving me still pretty confused. 


Dylan comes up from behind and pushes me down onto a chair. "Eat, babe. You talk too much."


. . .

"So what's the plan today?" Catherine asks.

We are currently all settled in the living room after breakfast, excluding my mom and dad of course, and are trying to figure out what we should do today so that we won't waste a good 15 hours. Dylan's just sitting beside me playing with my hair. Hm.. He's been weirdly attached lately. I mean, I guess we are dating... 

          Ø Dylan Carter's POV:

Why am I feeling so weirdly attached to Kaylie? This is only supposed to be a plan right? A plan of revenge?

I haven't thought about that for a long time...

...Shit. I hope I'm not falling for my own trap--

No, no. Couldn't be.


Yes, really. And why am I having a conversation with myself?

"Dylan? Hey, babe?" I snap out of my thoughts and look at Kaylie who was calling and clicking her fingers in front of my face. She looks at me. "You okay? You were like, dead for a moment."

"No, nothing. I was just thinking. What did you call me for?"

Catherine pokes in. "We're planning to go to the zoo. Sounds good to you?"

"The zoo?" I look back at my girlfriend. "Is this your idea, Kaylie?"

And she just gives me a cute little smile. Her idea, it is. I roll my eyes. "How old are you again?"

"Please!" Kaylie pleads. "Or, we can go to the aquarium!" She exclaims while holding up her finger and beaming at everyone else.

I cover her mouth. "Hush hush, we're going to the zoo. Let's go," I say quickly before grabbing her hand and pulling her up, leaving our friends' laughter behind. "You people, go change!" I yell back.

. . .

"Dylan, you forgot to bring my hat!" Kaylie nags. "Look at how hot and sunny it is!"

"It's your hat, why are you blaming me?"

She puts her hands on her hip. "You were rushing me."

"Ah, I can't take you two anymore," Janelle says, throwing her arms up in the air. "You two are like kids!"

Kaylie smiles. "I know right? Why do I even have a kid as my boyfriend?" she asks, glancing at me.

"I'm saying you too, Kay." Janelle knocks on her friend's head.

"Ouch! Why can't you be on my side for once, Janie?" Kaylie pouts as she rubs her head.

I laugh and walk up to throw my arms around her shoulder. "Who needs hats? I'm tall enough to block the sunlight for you babe." I wink and start pulling her. "Let's go, we're almost there."

Kaylie resists. "Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that I'm short? H-hey! I'm 5"4! That's pretty tall. Hey!"

We are about 5 minutes walking distance away from the zoo because apparently Ashton parks the car almost a mile away from the entrance. Kaylie has been constantly nagging me about how her hair is burning. Seriously, why did she suggest to go to the zoo then? Sigh. I can never understand women.

"Love birds." Catherine chuckles beside us, at a level where it seems like she thinks I can't hear her but it's loud enough to purposely make me hear it. 

       End of Ch. 36

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Oh my God, I updated! Unbelievable! I know. I've been caught up with a lot of school work, home work and well... my k-drama obsession. /grins/ But anywho, I've already had the next chapter planned out so it won't take as long as this one! :)

Hope you enjoyed it (it's short but the next one will be significant ;]) and also, above is a gif of the K-drama Healer from years ago of the scene where Young Shin was cooking and Jeong Hoo stole a kiss from her ;) Awww. I know I know.

Okay, bye guys <3

- Stella S.

The Designated Dorm RoomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora