part 26 - movie date

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Then next morning you woke up still with Bakugo's arms around your figure. You slowly started to get your phone from the bedside table trying not to wake up Bakugo. Once you gotten it you started scrolling through different things on various social media apps.

Until Bakugo started to wake up you continued doing this. Once he did however wake up he whispered "morning " in to your ear which took you by supprise since he showed no other signs he was awake until that. You and Bakugo started getting out of bed as his arms are unable to stop you from doing so.

The you went down the stairs to get breakfast. Once you got in to the kitchen you and Bakugo noticed a note which read 'Katsuki and Y/n. Me and and Marsaru are both going out we won't be back till later.
From Mitsuki.' Soon after the discovery of the note Bakugo decided to make both you and himself breakfast.

It wasn't long until you had your breakfast it f/breakfast. You wasn't really surprised when it tasted so good, mainly because Bakugo had cooked for you before. He can be sweet, when he wants but only around you. After you soon ate your breakfast. You and Bakugo had to decide what you wanted to do for the day.

Which ended up being an agreement of going to the cinema. You didn't really care what film was on, only that you got to spend time with Bakugo, so that lead to him choosing a film.

~timeskip because i want this to be out on time~

You and Bakugo were now in line at the cinema to go get popcorn and snacks before the movie starts in 20 minutes. Unfortunately for you and him there's about 20 people/groups combined in front and this was taking long as it is. As the line slowly goes down and the time to the movie airing becomes closer , you were becoming more frustrated with waiting however it wasn't long till you ended up with your food.

Once that waiting in line was all over, you and Bakugo proceed to finding your seats in the middle of the cinema. Luckily just before the movie started. During the time the movie was on you ended leaning on to Bakugo's arm and sharing popcorn with him. Even though it looked like you were bored to death with the movie you actually thought it was quite interesting and hoped they would make a sequel to it by the end.

You and Bakugo after the film ended up walking back to his house. To end up relaxing on his bed playing games until dinner. Then afterwards you falling asleep in Bakugo's arms.

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now