Part 22 - The physical project (part 2)

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You and Momo start to strategise whilst the first three matches where on. One thing was for sure they weren't really that quick. Match number 1 was on for about 45 minutes it luckily didn't go over the time limit of an hour. Then the second one was on for about half an hour and the third about 25 minutes (not the longest but still could've been quicker).

You and Momo then head to the view the match between Bakugo and kirishma against Deku and Uruaka on the cameras once you heared that Mina and Hakugre won the 3rd match. You and Momo sat on the seats behind recovery girl and Aizawa the others who weren't physically injured from their fights sat with you guys. Momo told you that she would definitely be supporting Deku and Uruaka where as you decided after a few minutes of thinking to support Bakugo and Kirishma. You couldn't really decide between either as all of them were your friends but Bakugo was your boyfriend so you should probably support him.

The fight between Bakugo x Kirishma and Deku x Uruaka

The four of them walked to the opposite sides of the city (Bakugo and Kirishma on one and Deku and Uruaka on the other). As soon as they were allowed to start Bakugo went running straight towards the opposition firing of explosions from his hands. Whilst Kirishma was trying frantically to run after him, Uruaka was touching rocks to make them levitate and use them as long range weapons.

Bakugo runs up to Deku and fires an explosion which misses and Deku throws him over his head. Bakugo was able to get back on his feet quickly and fire another attack which hit.

Going back to Kirishma he was thinking of how he can attack Uruaka without touching her so she doesn't activate her quirk. Honestly he thought his best idea was to look through the rubble from Bakugo's last attack. He managed to find a mostly intact piece of rock in a slightly rigged baseball bat shape. He decided he would use it to attack Uruaka though he would have to keep her at about arms length plus the length of the rock.

Kirishma ran up to Uruaka and  started to hit her with the rock being careful not to do much harm to her other than knocking her out. After a while Uruaka took enough damage from the rock Kirishma found to faint as she was unable to touch it with her fingers and levitate it away.

Whilst that was happening there was a chaos of explosions coming from Bakugo towards Deku. All you saw was big explosion close to the end of the match and smoke came coming out of the small crater in the ground Bakugo left. Deku ended up being knocked out and the winners of the battle goes to Bakugo and Kirishima.

You end up seeing both of them before you where heading to where your match will happen. "Well done Katsuki and Kirishima."

"It was no big deal Y/N,"  Bakugo told you.

"I mean I did have some trouble against Uruaka with trying to keep some Strategy with my attacks." Kirishima told you


A/n: there's still another chapter left for the project both this one and the one before were taking quite long to write so I had to split it up a bit so it would be out on/close to time. Thanks for your consideration 😊😊

Is it just me or is it annoying when you edit something on wattpad which is underlined, bold or italic and it reverts it to normal text.

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang