part 34 - back to the dorms

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You walked down the alleyway in to the center of the city with Todoroki and Bakugo. To attempt to avoid being recaptured with the both of them. Fortunately you all made it back to U.A.

Once there the teachers told you to go to recovery girl just for her to check if you had any injuries that weren't visible like brocken or fractured bones etc.

The next day (because im lazy and this chapter has been delayed too long because of work i have to do)

also 1st person pov cause i feel like it

I did my normal morning routine ate breakfast, went to shower, put some clothes on and went to finally see the others. They were asleep when I got back I'm not sure whether they heard that i got back. If they didn't it'd be a good suprise for most of them.

I walked through the door and in to the common room on the first floor and everyone who I was friends with faces showed signs of joy to see me.

That day we spent time hanging out together. Playing games and other stuff since we had no class today.

Until it was about 6pm. We all went up to get ready for a sleepover in Mina's dorm. I put on my favourite pyjamas and walked down to Mina's dorm.

A/N: me being unmotivated to do anything but binge anime and having writers block is not a good mix but here's a chapter.

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now