Part 6 - Karaoke (sleepover part 1)

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You start putting on your soft pjamams.(they can be any you like).

You then look at the time and relise you better be getting to Mina's dorm as it is 5:59. You rush to Mina's dorm and she lets you.

"Hey Y/N."

"Hi Mina."

"Come on in."


"Hey Y/N," they all say except from Mina and Bakugo as you come in.

"Hey guys," you replie back with in a quiet voice.

"So now that everyone is here I think we should do karaoke," Jiro suggested.

"That sounds like an awesome idea. Are we doing solo or dous cause I am fine with either," you say in a livily voice as you were very excited because you are an amazing singer as well as dancer although you don't think so.

"Let's do dous, Jiro you can be my partner," Mina Overenthusastically told the group.

"Ok well I want to be with my brother then if it is ok with him that is."

"Of couse it is Y/N," Todoroki told you.

(Here's the list of who's singing with each other:
Mina x Jiro
Y/n x Todoroki
Tsuyu(Tsu) x Uraruka
Kirishima x Bakugo
Denki x Sero)

Mina and Jiro went first and sung nothing breaks like a heart by Milly Cyrus.

"This world can hurt and cut you deep like a scar,"

"But nothing breaks like a heart,"

Afterwards you and Todoroki sang Hey Brother by Avicii.

"Hey brother, do you there's an endless road to rediscover,"

"Hey sister, know the water's sweet but blood is thicker."

"That was amazing Y/N."

"It was Mina," you said slightly confused as you always thought you were a terrible singer.

"See Y/N i have always told you. You were an amazing singer."

Bakugo's Pov

Todoroki is right Y/N's voice is amazing I didn't know she could sing like that. She is perfect in every way. Smart, beautiful, amazing voice and strong though she'd never like me. No girl ever likes me.


The next singers were meant to Tsu and Uraruka and they decided to sing Tik Tok by Ke$ha.

"Wake up in the morning feeling like PD,"

"Got my glasses on about to hit this city,ribbit"

After them it was Bakugo and Kirishma they sung so what by pink.

"Na na na nah,"

"I wanna get in trouble I wanna start a fight."

I didn't know Bakugo was such a good singer you thought to yourself am I falling for him?

Finally it was Denki and Sero and they sung Despacito by Justin Bieber ft.luis fonsi and Daddy Yankee.

"Coming over in my direction,"

"So thankful for that its such a blessing."

Author note
Sorry if this part is a bit long but it took me a long time and i hope you appreciate the effort that went in to making this. By the way this is my first story sorry if not good.

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now