part 33- rescue mission (part 2)

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Until they looked through one of which they saw you tied up in the center of that room. They've completed phase one of there plan now it was on to the next part getting you out there.

They're was 2 ways they could get in there one was explode the wall with Bakugo's quirk or they could find a way to climb to the second floors window and go through there. They decided to choose the second option and use Todoroki's quirk to make a ladder out of ice. It wasn't the most stable thing in the world but it did get them both up and through the window before breaking.

So this was it there in the Lov's base ready to save you. Of course it wouldn't just be as easy as going in and getting you out. They first of all didn't know the layout of the base so going straight to the room your in was unlikey to happen then they had to worry about the members of the Lov.

They walked along the corridor which the window lead them in to. Of course keeping to quiet steps so as not to alert any members of the lov. They took a turn left and that ended up with them at another dead end. They turned around and went the other way which lead them to the staircase downstairs.

They now found themselves in a corridor on the first floor which had a few doors going along it. No obvious turns in to the room you were in meant they would have to look through every door to find that room. So they started looking with the high risk of someone or everyone noticing them.

They soon found the room you were in with no hassle at all. Once they entered your currently dull eyes lit up with joy as you saw the duo. Bakugo started to untie the rope surrounding your wrists keeping you restrained to the chair. Whilst Todoroki was making sure none of the members of the Lov would come in and attack by supprise as neither you nor Bakugo could see the door from the position the chair was in.

You were soon untied and ready to leave with Bakugo and Todoroki. You were sure that the both of them would be told off by the pros for coming to rescue you but that didn't matter as you were actually able to get out of there.

You followed behind both Bakugo and Todoroki as they attempted to get back to the window they climbed in through. Which didn't take them long as Todoroki remembered the way they got from there to the room you were in.

Bakugo went down first to make sure you landed in a safe position not caring for his own safety. Todoroki helped you get down and Bakugo caught you at the bottom. Then Todoroki came down through the window and you used your quirk to stop the impact from being fatal.

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now