part 27 - Suprise

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It was the next morning you waking up to see Bakugo's face inches away from yours until he pecked you on the lips. You and Bakugo laid in bed cuddling each other for some time until you both agreed it was necessary to have breakfast.

This morning both of Bakugo's parents were here to greet you and him before leaving again after you've all had breakfast. During that time you learnt a bit about their interests and what they like.

A while after they had left Bakugo said he had to sort some stuff out and for you to make yourself at home in his room whilst he was busy. It wasn't the most ideally romantic thing in the world leaving you when he could be spending time with you but little did you know the suprise he had planned.

~timeskip to when Bakugo's back ~

Once back Bakugo came in to his room to see you lying on his bed playing a game on your phone. He then starts talking to you for a while then asks if you'd like to go on a date he's planned at 8. You then agreed and told him you would get ready before going.

~timeskip to just before the date~

Once ready you and Bakugo started heading out his house towards a park. You utterly confused why he would take you there him full well knowing why. You both started walking on the path until Bakugo takes you off it to the lake .

Once there you saw a beautifully lit up picnic area. Surrounded by foliage and flowers. You both then went to sit down on the blanket laid across the grass.

Bakugo then poured you a glass of your favourite juice and him the same

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Bakugo then poured you a glass of your favourite juice and him the same. He then started to take out the food he made earlier and gave you some before taking any for himself.

It was easy to see he was trying to be a gentleman for you which would have been out of character if you hadn't have been dating him for as long as you have. Though if it were for anyone else then you'd have thought it was someone else.

The evening continued on smoothly. You two talking every so often about random stuff you both care for.  The sky  becoming darker with each passing moment until the stars and moon were now able to be seen amongst the night sky. With that you suggested star gazing and Bakugo decoding to make a competition of who can name the most constellations.

This night would be one you'd surely remember.


A/n : I'm probably not going to post a chapter next week so i don't overwork myself and have enough time to think and write ideas for my next chapter.

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now