part 24 - invitation

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As you were in recovery girl's office. Bakugo came to see you and make sure you were ok.(a/n : I guess someone's being soft towards you). It took you too long to tell him you only had minor scratches and cuts compared to Momo and Iida. You honestly would have shown him if recovery girl hadn't healed them.

Once that was over and done with you and Bakugo decided to head to his dorm this time. Which would be kinda new to you as the closest you got to being in there was knocking on the door and having him take you to a places that you enjoy. You had both gotten their when he unlocked the door revealing a basic dorm room with everything he needs and some other stuff he enjoys.

You went to sit on his bed with him before spending over an hour talking about random stuff as you would before starting the project for class. It was quite annoying for you as you wanted to spend time with Bakugo but you wanted to also get good grades so the chances of you becoming a pro would be higher.

Luckily, for you and Bakugo you'd soon have about a week to talk as the end of the semester on Friday was about 4 days away. Which to your supprise Bakugo invited you to his house which you obviously agreed so you didn't have to see a particular person known as Endeavour.

Though, it was a genuinely good supprise. You would invite him over to your house sometime execpt for the fact your Dad wouldn't approve and it would end very badly for you. So genuinely you'd want too but your scared too and Bakugo knows this.

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now