Part 12 - The task set

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You stand next to Bakugo holding his hand while waiting for Aizawa to explain the training exercise.

Which he then does once everyone is standing beside their partners for the exercise. Unlucky for Mina her parter was Mineta and while standing next to her he was being a pervert again.

"Right the training exercise is simple you'll eacb be in a different area and you have to fight to get a flag hidden at the oppositions base. The first team that does that will win."

"Right so it is basically like capture the flag but harder as we are allowed to use quirks." You exclaimed.

"Basically." Bakugo replied to your statment.

"This may be dumb but you should focus on staying by the flag and defending while i go get the flag because i can use my ice side to slide straight to the other side and get up any mountains if our area has any that is."

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Bakugo thinks to himself that Y/N so smart sometimes.

You and Bakugo enter the training areana and you find your in a forest which is a very bad situation for you as it limts you to weak fire attacks and any kind of ice attack. As soon as you were allowed to start you start using your quirk to ice skate to the other side when you come to an opening in the forest and you see Denki. You think great if my brother was smart he would be defending the flag which meant you'd have to fight him and relive the childhood memories.

Denki tries to elecute you but you build a wall of ice and the electricty couldn't pass through. Eaiser than you expected you thought as you see Denki short circuit. Right I only have to touch the flag it shouldn't be that hard though I might want to freeze Denki in place.

You then find the spot you think the flag is at. The only reason you think that is because of the soild block of ice and your brother guarding it. It probably was the best idea for him to send Denki on offence because of how easy he would be to take down.

You then come up with a plan that doesn't involve you fighting him and you sneak around using the trees to your advatage the back of the block of ice. You start to use your fire side to melt the ice to be able to touch the flag just once which your able to do.

Then Aizawa says "Y/N and Bakugo have won, since Y/N cleverly used the trees to sneak round and melt the ice without being noticed."

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα