part 18 - sick Y/N

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A/N:Quite a bit of this chapter is first person Bakugo just saying it isn't really that important to the plot.

The next day

You weren't responding to Bakugo's morning texts like you usually do(he normally texted you at 8 since you normally wake up at 7-7:30am). So he came to check up on you. He knocked on your dorm room which woke you up from your sleep. "Come in." you said in a sleepy voice while getting up out of your bed.

Bakugo came in saw you were still very tried."hey Y/N are you alright? Did I wake you up?"

"Yes to both," you said before couthing,"though I am pretty sure I am sick might have a fever not sure."

"You get back to bed and I will go get you something to eat."

"You can be real sweet sometimes."

"If you tell any of these extras about this I will kill you. You understand."

"Yes Katsuki," you said while couthing and climbing back in to bed.

Bakugo's pov

I walked down the hallway to the kitchen in the dorm to make Y\N some food for her breakfast. It's the least I can do since I woke her up after all I didn't realize she was sick though I am slightly confused how she can get a proper fever with her quirk unless she is warm on her ice side and cold on her fire side that would sort of explain it.

Either way Y\N needs the food. I start cooking some food for her when Icyhot walked in. "Hey Bakugo why are you cooking. I thought you had breakfast."

"Ugh. I know I did have breakfast. Why should you care if I am making more food?," I replied almost shouting.

"I shouldn't just wanted to know. By the way have you seen Y/N anywhere I haven't checked her dorm yet but I came here because she hadn't had breakfast."

"Tch. I am making breakfast for her she's in her dorm. Though if it is something that's not important you need to tell just don't go. She's got a fever ok."

"How do you know she's sick shouldn't I have been told this by know."

"She has just woken up. I came in to her dorm and she said that when I asked if everything was alright she started coughing before she said she has a fever if you must know."

"Ok. Well tell her I said get better soon and honestly the thing I needed to tell her wasn't that important."

I started heading back to Y/N's dorm room after icyhot left. I gave her the food I made for her and sat on the bed beside her I'd normally worry about getting sick but this time only because  I am looking after this angel I will allow my self to get sick for her.

Y/N's pov

After I ate the food Bakugo gave me he took the plate off me and put it on my desk. He then got back on the bed and started cuddling me back to sleep as we still had today and tommorow of luckily.

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now