part 21 - the physical project (part 1)

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You  were back in class after a long weekend of training with your brother for the physical examination. For once you were willingly traning with him not being forced by Endeavor or Aizawa (with his random partners) but still it was actually useful to you as you learnt a couple of new tricks. You were able to improve your reaction time considerably which is good as you were going to need it as you weren't sure what you were going to face in the physical you new it was going to be some sort of fighting practice but that's practically it.

You and the rest of the class were told to get your hero costumes on and get ready for the physical exam. You were quit nervous despite how strong you are and your quirk is. Though honestly you subconsciously knew were going to do well despite thinking otherwise.  You walk out of the changing room wearing your outfit. You go and stand next to Momo in the spot designated to you by Aizawa. He decided it would be best to separate the groups so he does that not like it phased you or anything you just wanted to talk to Bakugo as you haven't talked to him since you started this project that's all.

"Ok now that everyones ready I will tell you what will happen in this part. Each of your groups will fight each other 2 on 2 style and whether you pass the physical or not will depend on your effort. If it's a long fight (about 30 mins) and you lose you will just barely get the pass however if you win quickly you will get higher marks," Aizawa told you and the rest of 1a.

"So Momo we want to win quickly. That might be hard depending on who were up against," you say to Momo.

"The groups we wouldn't want would definitely be Bakugo and Kirishma, Todoroki and Iida or Deku and Uruaka."

"We would probably be put against one of them skillwise as we are on the same skill level. Saying that Shoto and Iida would be the best out of the three cause I know I can beat him eaisly (well not exactly but Momo doesn't need to know that)."

"I will say who will be fighting who in the order you'll be fighting. First is  Tokoyami and Ojiro versus Sato and Shoji. Second is Denki and Sero versus  Mineta and Koda. Third is Mina and Hakugre verse Jiro and Tsuyu. Fourth is Bakugo and Kirishma verses Midorya and Uruaka. Finally
Y/N and Momo versus Todorki and Iida. You guys can decide whether you want to watch or strategise."

You then turn to Momo and say "I think we should strategize during the first 3 matches as they will probably take the longest and aren't really that meaningful for me compared to the fourth."

"Yeah I get it you want to make sure Bakugo's safe not like he needs it but it would still be kinda comforting for you to see he's alright."

"You know me just as well as Shoto honestly."

"That's what friends are for ain't it."


A/n: first post of any of these chapters in 2021. Honestly hope all of you had a great new year and hopefully 2021 will be better than 2020.

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