Part 8 - Bakugo's question

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The next morning

You were the second person to wake up, Bakugo being the first. So you went to go and something to eat without waking the others. When Bakugo decided to speak to you not in his normal tone " Hey extra do you still remember what I told you last night."

"I do Bakugo why?"

"I was just wondering whether you'd like to go to the mall or something?"

"So like a date?"

"Yeh sorta like that. Tch. So you going or not."

"Yeh sure thing Bakugo."

"I'll pick you up at 3 teddy bear."

"Is that my nickname now then?"

"Yes it is do you have a problem?"

"No I kinda like that."

You continue to go and make yourself some breakfast as you hear the others waking up.

"Good morning guys."

"Good morning Y/N," they all say sleepily.

"Hey Y/N you want to hang out just you and me like old times," Todoroki asked you.

"Sorry can't today got plans."

"When do you ever have plans to do anything?"

"Just now Shoto mabye another time. If that's ok."

"Yeh sure."

"Ok. Well I better go and eat my breakfast."

"Ok see you around then."

You finally eat your breakfast at last you thought to yourself. I wonder where in the mall Bakugo will take me and maby I should probably get his number that would be smart.

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now