part 23 - the physical project (part3)

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You and Momo start heading in to the arena for your fight. The arena you were fighting in was an industrial building site replica obviously, so you don't hurt any innocent civilians. You and Momo where at one point you didn't know whether they'd be straight ahead or to the side. But as soon as you where allowed to start you went with the plan and started to build some stairs of ice taking you up to the highest point as it would be the best look out point for them.

As Iida is fast so he would be semi hard to see and Todoroki well he would definitely try to be as discrete as possible. So you used what your predictions of what they'd do to your advantage.You did melt the ice once you got up there because you kinda leave something that would lead them to you can you?

They as you predicted did just that and you were just able to see Todoroki so you told Momo. Then started to do what you planned after you found one of them a supprise attack. You got down from the point on the building eaisly and followed him through a dark alleyway close to edge of the fighting arena.

So this was his best idea to try and find a way to sneak attack jokes on him we know where he is you thought to yourself.

You ended up doing a big ice attack from behind him. He was startled but he was able to melt it as you expected he would. You decided you would try and stay on Todorki's right side as you can melt his ice as your left would be next to his right roughly.

So when he fought back with ice you instantaneously melted it like it wasn't there in the first place. Soon after Iida came and Momo started dealing with him. She decided to make some sticky black stuff you didn't know what it was however it did just fine at clogging his engines and slowing him down.

So consequently, you noticed this and decided to try and get him in a block of ice whilst fighting Todoroki. Luckily for you this was easier than expected and it happened he was frozen soild in a block of ice.

So now its a 2 v 1 practically the chances of Iida getting out is slim unless Todoroki melts the ice, which he won't as Momo's brilliant mind thought of creating sheet out of a melt which she said is hard to lift over the ice. She also told you it was heat resistant and air was able to pass though. Luck seemed to be in your favor it seemed as you started firing of big attacks of ice and fire (mostly fire as it would have a bigger impact as he could melt the ice). Momo created a few flash grenades she was going to use to make him slightly confused at what and where his surroundings were.

It worked, well sort of the fact was it worked to well as you to found yourself in the same state he was. Maby Momo should've made another pair of sunglasses for you so the bright light shone would be duller. However none of that really mattered as she was able to create some ropes and tie them around Todoroki's wrists seccuring the victory for both you and her.

Once it was announced you won you untied Todoroki whilst Momo took the sheet of meatal off the ice (she struggled slightly). Then you went over to the ice to melt it so Iida could get out.

After doing so you, Iida, Todorki and Momo went to recovery girl to get the minor injures from the fighting healed. You ended up with quite a few scratches and cuts from some of Todoroki's ice attacks ends being sharp as knives though you have had worse and he knew it. Momo and Iida had the worst injuries out of you 4.

Female Y/N Todoroki X BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now