part 29 - back

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The rest of the holidays seemed to fly by quickly and now you were back in UA again training to become the best hero you could. Intensive training following your arrival back to UA from having a week to do whatever you wanted whilst out of school. Before the start of the lesson you met up with Mina to talk about stuff that happened over the holidays and ended walking to class with her.

When you got there everyone was talking like usual. Which is what you expected after all. This went on till your teacher Aizawa came in and told the whole class to sit down behind there desks. Which you all compiled to doing so.

Then you went on to continuing the lesson like usual. Aizawa telling you that tommorow the class will be doing combat training. This could go either amazing or terribly wrong. It was clearly obvious which one you wanted.

That still being said you had to wait hours after now till tommorow as you and everyone in the school were just allowed to go get lunch.

Which you then went to meet up with your brother, Deku , Uruaka, Iida and Tsu and sat next to them to eat your food. Whilst talking about random stuff before finishing up to get back to class with them.

Then it was time to endure the afternoon lessons before being able to go and relax. So Aizawa continued talking about stuff you need to learn to be a great hero and all.

Until finally you could go back to your dorm fortunately without homework. You then spent the evening relaxing with some of your friends dropping by to hang out with you. Which you very much enjoyed.

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