part 31 - The Lov base

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You were placed upon a chair and chained too it whilst you were still unconscious.

You woke up after a few hours in a room with what looks to be a bar and a few tables. Sitting there was most of the members of the lov.

Where am I? Why am I here ? Why am I surrounded by the Lov? You thought.

Until someone who wasn't in your range of view spoke and told you "Y/n your here because we need you in the lov because of your strong quirk and quick reasoning skills." That someone silently stepped foward out of the shadows being none other than Shigarki himself. He then continued on with what he was asking, "so y/n do you or do you not want to join the Lov?"

You turned down him asking you to join them. However he was was persistent on trying to get you to join. So he told the members behind your back to randomly go up and ask you the same question he asked.

This soon became an annoying thing for you. Though it didn't matter as you would not cave in and join them and you would fight yourself mentally if you ever thought of joining them.

A/n: sorry for the late update had a lot of work to catch up with over the last 2 weeks so im also sorry if this is too short as well for you guys.

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