36: Maybe Perfect

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Chapter 36

Dinner was great.

Jett’s family wasn’t awkward around the dinner table but they were definitely taking advantage of teasing both me and Jett. Cameron was probably the worst; teasing Jett about finally getting a girlfriend and manning up. I thought it was pretty funny that his little brother was teasing him about girls but apparently Jett didn’t find it as funny as he pretty much had a permanent blush plastered onto his cheeks for a majority of the night.

Also, because I had already met his family and eaten dinner over at the house before, it wasn’t weird because I knew what to expect and I felt right at home with my boyfriend and his family.

I had left the Ryder residence around nine that night, getting a sweet yet passionate kiss at the door from Jett which played on my mind hours later when I was headed to sleep.

The next morning I had woken up to a beautiful sight outside my window.

It was snowing. Actually, it looked like a blizzard!

I quickly jumped out of bed, immediately feeling the cold air on my skin. I had decided to wear a thin tank top and a pair of purple pajama shorts to bed the night before and now I was regretting it. Pulling the blanket that had been laid at the bottom of my bed; I wrapped it around myself before bolting down the stairs to find my laptop that I had left to charge in the living room.

Locating my laptop quickly, I opened the top and entered my password. Once the homepage loaded I moved my mouse around a little bit, clicking on the Mozilla Firefox icon. After the web page had popped up on the screen, I went to my local radio station’s website to see if luck was on my side and it had been announced a snow day. As I got to the correct page on the website, I scrolled down slightly until I noticed the message:

Today, due to heavy snow conditions in the area, all school buses have been cancelled, however, schools remain open.

Snow day!

Now having a major smile on my face, I closed the lid to my laptop and headed back upstairs hoping for another couple of hours of sleep.

Waking up approximately two hours later I felt absolutely refreshed and ready for a day of winter fun.

Around ten ‘o’clock, after an hour or so of watching television in my room, I headed down stairs in my gigantic sweatpants and hoodie when my phone started to ring.

Looking at the caller ID, I smiled before picking it up. “Hey you.”

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