24: Maybe Perfect

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Chapter 24

We got on the bike and backed out of the driveway before heading towards downtown. The only place that I could think of that was downtown was Jeffery’s, but I really didn’t think that Jett was taking me to the café tonight.

Once we approached the downtown area, Jett spent the next couple minutes taking a bunch of turns on small side streets, which confused me even more as to where we were going.

After probably our thirtieth turn Jett pulled the bike over in front of a small building that looked like it had been around a while as the bricks were starting to chip.

I got off the bike and successfully took my helmet off, patting down my hair to make sure I didn’t have helmet hair. Then I looked at Jett with an eyebrow raised. “Is this place safe?” I asked, nodding to the run down look of the building in front of us.

Jett took his helmet off as well and sent me a small smirk. “Yea, I’m pretty sure my workplace is safe Sophie or else I wouldn’t voluntarily work here.” he replied with a slightly teasing voice.

I looked at him strangely for second. “Wait… you work here?” I inquired, curious as to why he hadn’t mentioned it to me before.

He shrugged. “Yea, I mean I don’t get paid a whole lot but I just like coming here.” he answered, and by the smile on his face I could already tell that he loved it here.

I smiled at him. “Okay, so what exactly is this place?” I asked, pulling up the long sleeves of Jett’s sweater that I was currently wearing.

Jett walked over to me and took my left hand into one of his before smiling at me. “Well, let’s find out shall we.” he said teasingly before pulling me along to the entrance of the mysterious building.

I was still trying to figure out exactly where we were when Jett opened the door to the small building and let me walk in before him slightly, our hands still intertwined.

Once we were inside I looked around the place and realized we were at some sort of radio station. There were what looked like thousands of albums and cd’s on rows of shelves and they didn’t look very organized.

I turned to the side slightly to face Jett. “So, you work at a radio station?” I asked, wondering why he wanted this to be a secret.

Jett turned and smiled at me. “Yeah, I mean I love writing and performing music but sometimes it’s just nice to sit down to a well thought out playlist. When I met the guys and they figured out that I liked music, they asked me to come and help them with their station.” he explained.

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