41: Maybe Perfect

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Chapter 41

The party lasted well into the night, only leaving the café when the sky was pitch black and littered with the nightly shining stars.

When I arrived home, receiving a ride from my aunt and uncle, we all headed to our rooms for the night and I, personally, was out like a light as soon as my head hit my feathery pillow.

Waking up Monday was not a fun experience because when my eyes finally opened after a long and comforting sleep, the neon numbers on my bedside clock read 10:05. After my brain processed this information, I sprung out of bed and immediately started wondering why my alarm didn’t go off as I clearly remembered setting it the night before.

The answer came to me a few seconds later when I saw a small post-it note stuck beside the clock with writing scrawled across it. Picking it up, I read;

We are aware you have a project due tomorrow that still lacks completion. Dennis and I have decided to give you an extra little gift for your birthday. I shut off your alarm this morning and called you in sick leaving you the entire day to stay at home and finish your project. Happy belated birthday… now get to work ~Mary

Shaking my head in amusement as I read the note, I was actually really glad that they had decided to let me ditch school today to work on my project because it still needed some serious work.

And that’s exactly what I did. After showering and cooking myself a healthy brunch, I logged into my laptop and completed my English assignment while totally ignorant of the world around me. My cell phone was off, my music was down low and my mind was running as fast as it could to complete my assignment, which ended up taking a grand total of three hours to complete that Monday afternoon.

Tuesday came faster than it should have and I wasn’t completely sure how my project came out, and not seeing or having any knowledge about presentations the day before left me clueless as to whether I had produced a project worthy of an A+.

Walking into English class on that fateful Tuesday afternoon was indeed nerve-wracking. I hadn’t seen Jett since Sunday night because he had a dentist appointment this morning and had went out to eat with Carter and the guys, leaving me completely alone when it came to my worrying.

As soon as I walked through the door of my English class, I spotted Jett immediately and rushed over to my seat next to him. Placing my laptop on my desk before sliding into the seat next to him, I turned to face him with a nervous smile on my face. “Please tell me that you’ll let me see your project before we have to present.” I whispered nervously.

Instead of sending me a smile and giving me the answer I wanted to hear, Jett simply looked at me with a cheeky smirk on his face and shook his head. “It’ll be a surprise… for everyone.” he said, looking pointedly at me, making me realize that I was part of the ‘everyone’.

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