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'Zeus get off me,' Blake said half asleep as she pushed the 7 foot long wolf off of her chest. Most would say that wouldn't be an acceptable pet, but Blake had argued with her parents for weeks to be able to keep him after she found him in the woods. He was a giant black wolf, but her Mother explained that his breed was very rare, as his blood contained magical properties. Most were hunted and killed off, which made her want to keep him even more.

Blake rolled out of bed and hopped in the shower. It was the day she would be leaving for Hogwarts, and saying she was nervous was an understatement. Granted she wasn't a shy person at all, she just didn't like the idea going to a school where everyone had already picked the people they liked and didn't. At Dumstrang she didn't have that many friends, just people she was forced to talk to. Most boys only wanted to get close to her just to be the boy who got to shag the only girl at the school, so she kept her distance. Well she tried getting out of her bubble, but that lead to her expulsion.

She got out of the shower and got dressed. She quickly finished packing her clothes and made her way downstairs with Zeus following behind her.

'Good morning,' Blake said as she sat down at the table. 'You can't bring Zeus,' your Father said as he didn't look up from his paper. 'Um thanks for the good morning. Why not? Dumstrang let me bring him,' you said annoyed as you pet the top of the wolf's head as it rested on your lap. 'Don't get that attitude. They see his size as threatening and scary for some of the students. You can bring him IF you shrink him down a little bit. Like fit in your hand small,' Father said as he looked up to take a drink of his coffee. 'Fine then,' you said taking a bite of your toast and slipping some of the bacon under the table. You knew Zeus would be annoyed, but you knew he would be board at home.

'So when are we going to the train station?' you asked leaning against the doorframe of your Mothers bathroom. 'You're not. We are taking you their, we have to talk to Severus about some stuff seeing his the new Defense of Dart Arts teacher this year,' your mother replied as she pinned up her hair. 'Well what about those robes I have to wear before I get sorted?' Blake asked. 'Oh no. My daughter will not wear robes that don't have the Slytherin crest on them,' Father said behind you giving you a kiss on the top of Blake's head. 'Go get dressed in what I've laid out. We already shrunk Zeus so in a couple hours we will be leaving,' mother said as she dismissed her.

Blake gathered her stuff and walked over to where the tiny Zeus laid. 'Don't give me that look, I'll give you time to be your normal size,' Blake said smiling as she pet under his ear. She looked at the clock and saw it was way past the time that the other students arrived. 'Mother we have to go!' Blake yelled as she grabbed Zeus in one hand and dragged her trunk out of her room.

They all aperated outside of the gates of the school where a man was waiting to take Blake's trunks. 'We are so late,' Blake said brushing down her hair. 'Nothing wrong with making an entrance,' mother said as the three of you walked to the Great Hall.

' You're late, everyone else has already been sorted,' Severus said as he stood in front of the doors. 'So great to see you too,' Blake's father said as he greeted the man with a smile. 'So we will go wait for you in your office. Good luck dear, write to me often,' mother said as she pulled Blake into a hug. Blake nodded as she watched her parents walk away. 'Good to see you Severus,' Blake said standing side by side with him. 'It's Professor Snape here. But you too,' he said as he pushed the doors open, revealing the huge room full of students.

Blake walked in with her head high, but she felt a little nervous with all the stares she was getting. She looked around and saw all the different houses. She looked to the Gryffindor table and saw the red headed bunch from the party. One of the twins made eye contact with her, sending a wink her way. She quickly looked away and looked over at the Slytherin table. She saw Draco talking with some other students, but his gaze was on her. She looked ahead and saw the sorting hat waiting for you.

'Good to see you Miss Crimson,' Dumbledore said smiling. He gestured for her to sit, which she did quickly. The hat was placed on your hat and it began speaking. 'Ah another Crimson, I was wondering when I would be seeing you. No doubt on where to put you. SLYTHERIN!' the hat yelled and the Slytherin table stood and cheered. She smiled and quickly left to go sit with the rest of the students.

'Crimson come over here,' a dark skinned students said as she walked by. She sat down and saw Draco sitting across from her, giving her a smirk. 'I'm Blaise. This is Draco, Theo, Pansy, Adrian, Marcus, and Daphne,' Blaise said pointing out different students. 'Yeah me and Draco have already met. My name is Blake,' she said with a smile on her face. 'Oh I definitely can tell we are going to be good friends,' Pansy said scooting closer to Blake. 'Pansy if you are trying to make a move, at least find out if she is single or not,' Theo said laughing. 'I'm single, but sorry I don't swing that way,' Blake said laughing. 'Can't blame a girl for trying,' Pansy said swinging her arm around Blake's shoulders.

After talking to many of the students, Pansy led her to the Slytherin common room. 'So this is home,' she said sitting next to you on one of the couches. The boys sat in the chairs around Blake and Pansy, but Draco was sitting across of her, not taking his eyes off her. Blake's thoughts quickly changed as she remembered she didn't have her not so big anymore best friend. Blake whistled and everyone around her looked at each other confused.

'Why did you do that?' Adrian asked laughing. 'Just wait,' she replied as little thumps came from down the stairs and a ball of black fur came jumping on her lap. Pansy squealed and went to pet Zeus. 'Is that a dog?' Draco asked looking closer. 'A wolf. His name is Zeus,' Blake said lifting him up to show him off. 'Not so big for a wolf,' Theo said laughing. 'Oh yeah?' Blake said setting Zeus on the floor.

With a snap of her fingers, he turned into his 7 foot self and jumped on top of Theo, taking both of them to the floor. Standing on his chest, Zeus was was snarling and growling over him. 'Okay Zeus, cut the tough guy act,' Blake said and immediately Zeus stopped, not licking all over Theo's face. 'Wicked,' Blaise said looked at the giant dog. 'Yeah they won't let me keep him at his original size,' you said shirking him back down and he hopped onto Pansy lap.

The rest of you kept talking until it was time for bed. You had gotten your own room, which Pansy pointed in the direction of to show you. You were about to walk up the stairs after saying goodbye to everyone, but someone grabbed your arm.

' I'll see you in the morning, don't forget, I'm showing you around to your classes,' Draco said with a smile as he let go. Walking in the opposite direction to his room.

a/n - umbridge doesn't exist in this story <3

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