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What the actual fuck? Blake thought to herself. How could she not remember that. Her mother probably mentioned it when she was younger, hell she might have even met him. But she hadn't heard that name in a really long time. More importantly, how the fuck did Harry Bloody Potter know that name, and why does the Weasley bunch know the name as well.

After collecting her thoughts about the situation, she remembered how she couldn't find Draco anywhere. She decided he just got tired of waiting up, and started getting ready for bed.

Falling asleep to all the thoughts playing around in her head.

' You can't possible let a 1 year old have a wolf as a pet,' Jessica, a younger Blake's Mother, said to a younger Blake's Father, Gabriel, and a younger Sirius. 'Well sure you can,' Sirius said picking up the young Blake in her arms.

She giggled as she reached down picking up the pup of a wolf as she was lifting in the air. 'Woof,' Blake said smiling as she held up the small animal to Sirius's face. He held his head back laughing. Sirius let out a growl, making Blake jump on fear but quickly changed to laughter.

'Jessica just relax, it'll be fine,' Gabriel said snaking an arm around her waist. Jessica let out of a huff and leaned into Gabriel's embrace.

'Woof woof woof!' Blake yelled making everyone laugh, Sirius grabbed the small wolf out of her hands and set him on the ground. Now holding her closer, he spun her around, and laughter escaped everyone's mouths.

Waking up in a jump, Blake sat up with deep breaths leaving her mouth. Rubbing her forehead at the memory she just replayed in her dream, she was more confused than ever. But she was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Quickly getting dressed, she made her way to the Great Hall with determination to get answers.

Walking in, she ignored the waving of Theo and Adrian. She looked over and saw the Weasley bunch, Harry, and Hermione all sitting eating breakfast.

She walked over and stood behind Fred and Ron, staring directly at Harry who sat in front of them. 'Hey Blake,' Fred said but didn't say anything when he noticed Blake starring at Harry. 'I want to know where you got the name Padfoot from,' she said crossing her arms.

Ron choked on his cereal and Hermione looked up at her. 'I told you it was just a name, why are you still on about it,' Harry said not breaking their eye contact. 'Bullshit. I know you're lying. So tell me before I just find out by myself,' she said leaning closer to him. 'Oh really? You're not going to find out anything so just drop it,' Harry said his voice getting louder.

Blake looked down at him and smirked. She turned her attention towards Fred. 'Can I sit here?' she asked him and he moved over so she could sit between himself and Ron.

Sitting down she turned her attention towards Ron. 'Hey Ron?' she said making him look up at her. Her eyes changed from her blue to deep red. 'Can you please tell me who Padfoot is to Harry?' she asked sweetly, and Ron smiled and nodded. 'He's Harry's'- Ron began saying but Harry through a muffin at him to break him out of his trance.

' That's so uncalled for! You can't use the Siren thing because no one tells you,' Harry said pointing a finger at her. 'Aye that was cool as fuck though,' Ginny whispered to Fred and George, making them nodded in agreement. Ron was just staring at Hermione in confusion.

' Oh yes I can! Just wait till I do it on you, just tell me,' Blake said getting annoyed. 'Why do you want to know so fucking bad!' Harry whispered yelled. 'When someone mentions my Godfather's childhood nickname, I feel like I have the right to know why the fuck it concerns them. Especially when the only thing MY whole has heard about him, was that he was probably dead. So you better tell me, or I'll figure myself,' she said as her deep red eyes grew blood red and small veins came from under her eyes.

Harry didn't say anything, he just sat there like someone just punched him in the face and kicked him in the stomach at the same time. Everyone else had the same expression on their face too. Annoyed she got up and walked out of the Great Hall.

Pansy and Daphne were sitting on a bench. 'Darling when we're you going to tell us your parents were throwing a ball!' Pansy said smiling going up to her and giving her a hug.

'What?' Blake asked confused. 'You're parents are donating the money to throw one. Isn't that exciting!' Daphne said smiling. 'Dumbledore said right before you came in,' Pansy added.

'Oh um I had no idea. I love you both, but can we talk about this later? I have to do something,' Blake asked running her forehead. They both nodded and let out small yeahs, looking her concerned. Blake smiled lightly and walked away.

She walked into the common room quickly, but stopped in her tracks when she saw it. Draco sitting on the couch with Astoria on his lap, making out. She noticed Zeus sleeping on an arm chair in the corner of the room, and did not want her pet to be anywhere near that.

She walked over, not even caring if she was being loud or if she was interrupting them, and scooped him up in her arms.

' oh shit,' Draco said pushing her off of him, and standing up. 'Blake what are you doing?' he asked as she clearly was ignoring him.

' Don't mind me, just wouldn't want Zeus here to catch something lingering in the air,' she said looking at Astoria. She turned to walk up the stairs, but Draco caught her arm.

'Did yesterday mean nothing to you? Was it just some way to pass the time? If so why did you say date, you could have just said you wanted to be friends,' Blake said with her voice slightly breaking. She looked up at Draco and he just looked down at her with regret in his eyes.

She looked at Astoria and back at him. 'You were with her yesterday, weren't you?' Blake asked as she scoffed. 'Well duh he was with me, you left him all hot and bothered what was he supposed to do? Besides maybe it's a good thing you are a virgin, wouldn't have to curse anyone with your horrid self,' Astoria said as she sat on the couch playing with her hair.

Blake let Zeus jump from her hands, and she quickly changed her to his regular size. He jumped on her and growled as he towered over her. Tears on the verge of spilling from her eyes.

' You're such a whore! You told her I was a virgin, and then you fucked her because you couldn't contain yourself for one night. Fuck. You,' she said hitting his chest.

She walked up the stairs and Zeus quickly followed behind. He walked in first and she slammed the door behind herself. She sat on the edge of her bed, running her hands through her hair, wondering how the hell this just happened.

forevermore ; fred x OC x draco Where stories live. Discover now