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'Please,' Blake pleading again, her arms wrapped around her.

'We need to get you out of here,' Remus said as he grabbed her arm, apperating them out of the castle.


Blake landed in an unfamiliar room. Claw marks tearing through the room on the walls and ground. She looked around and saw the metal door keeping her in there.

She slowly lifted herself off the ground and made her way over, pushing and pulling trying to get it loose, but with no luck.

'You won't be able to open it,' Remus said as he walked in front of her from the other side.

'I wanted you to help me, you said you could help me,' Blake said as she started to pull harder at the metal door. Her eyes still deep red as she pulled with everything she could.

'We have to keep you in here, I'm sorry,' Remus said as he kept his head low, refusing to let her meet his eye.

'Let me out,' she said as she started to hit the door with her shoulder.







'You liar,' she said as she struggled even harder with the door, her nails barley making a dent with each accidental drag again the bars.

Remus turned and left, refusing to turn around no matter how loud the bangs got.

Blake threw everything around the room. Her head pounding even harder at every second. Her nails growing longer and sharper. Her vision now being in red.

She fell to the floor, her head pounding too much to bare. Screams ripping through her throat as she held her head, thinking it would burst any minute.

'I swear to got Remus Lupin,' she said through deep breaths, her head turning towards the damned door keeping her in, 'when I get out of here, you'll wish you were dead.'

She tried to stand, but her back arched with the cracking of bones. Falling to the ground, her vision finally changed from red to black.


Draco woke to the sounds of banging on his door. He stood, feeling the affects of barely sleeping that night.

'Pansy what do'- he began saying but was cut off.

'She's in the hospital wing,' Pansy said out of breath before she took off, Draco following after her.


'Let me see her,' Fred said as he tried to push past Professor Snape and Madam Pomfrey.

'Her family is with her, only family at the moment,' Pomfrey said as Snape pushed his back.

'I know her family,' Draco said as he come to the entrance, standing next to Fred.

'No visitors,' Snape said lowly, 'It will be up to her Father what happens next. You can wait but there is no promises.' Snape sneered at both of them and shut the doors on both of them.

'What do you know?' Draco asked as he leaned against the wall across the hall.

'Nothing,' Fred said as he sat on the bench in front of the entrance.


'Draco Malfoy?' Gabriel asked as he walked out of the infirmary.

'And Fred Weasley?' Jessica said beside her husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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