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a/n - sorry for not updating sooner !! just fyi the ball night will be explained fully just give it time because a lot of stuff happened;)

tw: like blood & violence & shit also sexy ass blake

'Fight night, fight night, fight night,' Blake said over and over again as their group of Slytherins started their way to the Forbidden Forest.

'Did someone tell you how it works yet?' Draco asked as he walked next to her. She looked up at him and shook her head. Adrian came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, earning a glare from Draco.

'So basically it can be at random, just two people going in. Or one will go in and call someone to fight with them. You don't have to, but everyone will call you a bitch,' Adrian said making everyone laugh.

' This is going to be so fun,' Blake said as she slyly winked at Draco.

Walking in the hidden space, Blake was in a sports bra and spandex. Draco was shirtless, like most of the boys there. She looked through the crowd, and saw Fred fighting in the huge center mat.

He was kneeling in from of some Ravenclaw named Josh, beating the shit out of him. Eventually, someone pulled Fred off of the unconscious boy.

The crowd cheered at Fred as he held his arms above his head yelling. Sweat spread against his forehead, making his hair look damp as he pushed it out of the way. His knuckles bruised and covered in the foreign blood. Blake smirked, about to walk towards him, when someone grabbed her hand and pulled her away.

Harry saw how Blake was getting dragged away, and walked over to the trees surrounding them. 'Why are you here? She'll see you,' Harry said as Sirius came out from behind the trees. 'I refused to miss seeing her fight, relax. Remus said it was okay,' Sirius said smiling as he stood against the tree, hidden from the group.

'Charlie what are you doing here!' Blake yelled as she hugged him. 'I always come to these things, especially now you're here,' he said pushing some of her hair out of her face. She blushed a little at his comment, as he's never been this flirty before.

'Well you're being sweet, and no one will probably wanna go a round with me anyways,' Blake said smiling as she shook her head. 'Trust me, I do,' he said smirking down at her completely red face.

'What are you two talking about?' Fred asked as he approached the two. 'Just giving Blake here a pep talk in case someone calls her up,' Charlie said with a smile. 'She won't need it,' Fred said pulling her closer to him.

'That was hot,' Blake said in a whisper to his ear, making Charlie completely unaware. 'I can't wait to see you, well if you do go,' Fred said smiling down at her.

As if the gods heard him, someone grabbed the wand used as a microphone. 'Id like to call the biggest bitch of all, Blake Crimson,' Astoria said as everyone's heads turned towards Blake, even Sirius.

' She just walks around like she owns the fucking place, needs to be taught a lesson don't you think? Unless she's too much of a pussy?' Astoria added with a smirk, making Blake's eyes turn red.

She pushed away from Fred, and walked towards the center of the group. Cheers came the crowd as she was in view.

' You're new Blake so I'll tell you the rules. Obviously you can't kill her, or do the magic transfer you do. No magic, only physical,' a seventh year Slytherin said to her with a smirk. She nodded, too pissed off to really listen.

He stepped off, and sent off a little firework for them to start.

She instantly dived at Blake, but Blake was too fast. 'You know, i'll go a little easy. So this can last,' Blake said with a smirk as she avoided a punch from Astoria.

She kept trying to hit her, and finally did. Blake stepped back, holding her bloody lip. 'Maybe the Crimson Family isn't all the hype. Maybe the great Blake, is just a worthless little piece of shit,' Astoria said with a laugh, her friends cheering behind her.

Blake's eyes were blood red, and her hands started to shake due to anger. Sirius stared at the girl, a smirk on his face but concern for what was about to happen.

Astoria tried hitting her again, but Blake moved at the speed of light. She grabbed the arm that tried to hit her with her left hand, and grabbed her throat with her right hand.

Astoria was lifted a couple inches off the ground by her neck. 'I'm a piece of shit hm?' Blake said looking at the scared girl.  She tightened her grip and forced her head to the side. 'You. Are. Nothing,' Blake said in a sinister tone.

She through her on the ground, making Astoria land with a gasp, also coming from the crowd. 'Get up!' Blake yelled at the girl.

She stood and instantly tried to hit Blake again. Blake dodge and hit Astoria square in the nose with a crack. She fell with the girl, climbing on top of her.

She hit over and over again, ignoring the cries from the girl under her. The seventh year Slytherin grabbed Blake by the waist, and lifted her off of Astoria. 'Alright, fights over,' he said laughing.

Blake stood on her own, breathing heavy as she stared at her. She walked over to Astoria and kneeled to be face to face with her. 'I hope this night plays in your head all the time,' Blake said and now grabbed her blonde hair in her fist. 'Because if you ever say some shit about my family again, my Father will know. And let's just say, he isn't as nice as me. He loves the feeling of taking magic from wizards,' she said in a quiet voice, pulling her head closed to her own. She leaned closer, and spit the mix of her own spit and blood onto the damaged girl's face.

She threw her head down, and walked off the mat, the huge crowd of people screaming cheers.

Fred and Draco were both walking over to her, trying to talk to her first.

Blake stopped next to the waters when someone tapped her shoulder. 'Hey what's up'- but was cut off by his lips crashing onto her's. Charlie pulled her by the back of her neck to deepen their kiss.

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