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Blake stood in the shower for what felt like hours. Thoughts of worry going through her head on why she let it get it that far. People probably thought she was this psychopath who beats people for fun now, especially with everyone figuring out why she got expelled. But it wasn't her fault, she did what was needed to be done or else she would have been the broken one walking out of that room.

She got out of the shower and changed into different robes. She didn't have classes the rest of the day so she decided to go walk around with Zeus to let him go play. She picked up the handful of fur and made her way outside.

'Okay go,' Blake said as she set him down outside and he instantly started sprinting around when he got to his normal size. She just walked after him to follow his direction. He stopped making her stop as well. 'No Zeus we can't play like that here,' she said taking a step back. Zeus barked and started running towards her at full speed. He was about to jump on her, when someone else tackled her out of the way.

'What the fuck,' Blake said as she watched Zeus still full speed trying to stop himself. He turned and started growling. Looking up she saw the boy leaning on top of her, Fred. 'Fred what are you doing?' she said out of breath. 'I'm saving you. You really shouldn't be walking around the edge of the dark forest. But good thing I was here, being brave and a hero,' he said smiling down at her, but with a load thud and grunt coming from Fred, Zeus tackled him off.

Blake instantly started laughing. Zeus started growling on top of him and Fred's face was filled with terror. 'Zeus get off you big lug,' Blake said pushing him. Zeus's playfulness came back as he ran over to the pile of sticks he was making.

'Ugh my hero,' Blake said dramatically as she held her heart, but was still laughing. 'Bloody hell thats your pet?,' Fred said wiping the slobber off his face. 'Yup doesn't take well to make strangers, especially ones who tackle me on the ground,' she said poking him in the shoulder. 'I was just trying to protect a lady in distress,' Fred said laughing. 'Never call me that again,' you said with a stern look. 'Oh does someone not like being the princess of the school? Heard that we have to learn a whole new level of fighting just because Miss Crimson came to Hogwarts,' Fred said teasing. ' Well by the way it only took me 6 minutes to kick Harry Potters ass, and I only hit him like four times, it shows that you guys really need it,' she said teasingly back as she poked his chest.

Fred broke out laughing. 'Yeah the look on his face was priceless. But I don't know, I can still see you being proper and one of those I love all the rules type of girl,' he said stepping closer to her. 'Don't forget I got expelled for Dumstrang Freddie. I can say all the shit I want about it, but why don't I just prove you wrong?' she said walking closer to him. 'Id like to see you try, I'm not easy to impress,' he said leaning closer to her face. 'You're really gonna regret that,' she said leaning closer but turned her head away to catch the already shrunken down Zeus. 'Bye Freddie,' she said not turning her head to look at him again.

Blake quickly hurried to the common room and when she made it in she let Zeus go to run around. She was about to walk to her room when someone called her name from the couch. 'Blake you really made me loose 30 galleons back there,' Theo said laughing. 'You bet on me?' She asked walking up to them. 'Yeah I just need to know who to bet my money on next time,' Theo said rolling his eyes. 'So what git did you loose to?' Blake asked laughing. 'That git would be me,' Draco said into her ear from behind her, causing her to jump a little bit. 'Glad to know someone knows how to place their money right,' she said turning around. 'Yeah I might have to bet on you more often,' he said smirking looking down at her. 'Bloke Potter deserved it though, who does he think he is,' she said rolling her eyes, looking down to break their eye contact. Draco put his finger under her chin to make her look up at him. 'Glad to know you don't fall for the Chose One bullshit,' he said leaning closer to her. 'Why would I when I know he doesn't have shit on me?' she said leaning closer.

She jumped back away from him when Theo cleared his throat. 'I have to go do something,' she said looking down to hide the blush on her face, rushing up to her room. Draco turned to Theo. 'You bloody git I was going to kiss her!' Draco whisper yelled. 'And I did not want to see the hottest girl ever, kiss you. Pansy maybe, no defiantly,' Theo said as Draco threw a pillow at him.

Blake rushed to her room, grabbing the secret sack of muggle items she bought last summer. Her parents would kill her if they found out she went to Muggle shops, but it didn't really stop her. With some tweaks of the makeup of them, she stuffed them in her pockets and made her way to dinner.

She scooped up Zeus as attached some of the circle like objects to him. 'I need you to walk under those two table and leave them there,' she said as she moved him into the direction of the table. With a little yap, he ran under them.

She walked over to the Gryffindor table to where she saw Fred sitting. 'Crimson what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?' Fred said pointing his fork at her, making her laugh. She leaned over to whisper something in his ear. 'Don't say I didn't warn you,' she whispered and discreetly dropped some of the green circles under his table. She pulled away smiling, causing a look of worry to flash across his face. Before he could ask anything, she walked over to the Slytherin table.

'What was that?' Pansy asked smiling as she sat across of her. 'You'll see,' she smirked as she took a strawberry off of Draco's plate. 'Didn't know you were a Gryffindor?' Draco asked looking at her. 'What are you even talking about?' Blake asked confused. 'Seeing how you were at their table, maybe you should sit over there. To know show your school pride,' Draco said teasingly. Zeus jumped on her lap with none of the balls attached to him anymore.

With the little movement of her finger and a snap, 10 smoke bombs went off in the Great Hall. Screams were heard through the huge clouds of green smoke. All the Slytherins started laughing. Blake turned to Draco and leaned to whisper in his ear. 'How's that for house pride?' she whispered and pulled away, winking at him.

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