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'Holy shit who sent you that?' Daphne asked walking up to Blake, who was still staring at the dress. 'Just an old friend,' she said in a questioning tone.

The next two hours was spent helping Daphne and Pansy find a dress. Pansy went with a deep maroon dress and Daphne with a navy blue. Zeus kept whining, wanting to go outside and play, so Blake eventually gave in.

'I'm going to take Zeus outside,' Blake said slipping on her shoes. 'Be careful, you've never done it when it's dark,' Daphne said looking out the window with worry on her face. 'Don't worry I'll be okay. And if I don't come back in an hour, send help,' she said winking and walked out of her room.

Walking on the edge of the forest with Zeus jumping around grabbing every stick he walks past, she looks up at all the stars forming. But a twig snapping broke her out of her trance.

Turning her head, she saw the figure of a black dog walking in the forest. 'Hey!' she yelled making the dog look up at her. It shot his head around and started running farther into the forest.

She instantly started chasing after it, Zeus getting the idea and running after it as well. Sprinting through trees she could barley see the outline of its dark black fur.

' Padfoot!' she yelled as she started to fall farther behind it. The dog stopped and turned its head to look at her, but continued running soon after. About to reach it, she tripped on a root coming from the ground, landing on her knee.

'Damnit Sirius, Padfoot, whoever the fuck!,' she yelled holding her knee to her chest. Groaning she looked down at the hand holding her knee and saw the blood covering it and how it was instantly starting to swell. 'Fuck,' she said under her breath as she applied some pressure. She cracked her knee cap.

She looked around trying to figure out what to do. Zeus couldn't carry her all the way back to her room and she couldn't move her knee without wanting to scream in pain. With her wand in her room, she honestly considered the idea of just staying in the forest all night with Zeus on look out.

Still laying on her back in pain, she heard another snap of a twig. She knew it wasn't Zeus because he was sitting right next to her. Turning her head to the source, she instantly rolled her eyes. 'You have got to be kidding me,' she said to herself.

Draco was walking in the direction she was laying. 'There you fucking are. Are you okay?' Draco asked kneeling next to her. 'Just leave me along. Go fuck your girlfriend,' Blake said turning her head away from him. 'Well what do you want me to do? Leave you in the middle of the forest all night? And she's not my girlfriend,' Draco said trying to move her hands from her knee.

'Oh but you fuck her almost everyday? And yeah leave me here I'll be fine. And stop trying to touch it!' she said wincing as he placed his hand on her knee. 'Well my wand is in my room, and I'm not leaving you here. And it was only once since you've been here,' Draco said as he moved his hand to her shin to see if that was hurt as well.

'Oh but you snog her when no one is around, or after you've snogged me. Fuck you,' she said swatting his hand away. 'Let me just help you,' he said placing his hands on his knees. She was really debating what to do. She did not want to talk to him, but her knee was throbbing.

'Fine,' she said huffing. 'Can you at least stand up?' Draco asked. 'If I could stand, I would be standing,' she said looking directly at him. Draco just rolled his eyes. He reached under her and picked her up bridal style. Wincing at the movement of her knee, he froze until she nodded for him to continue.

Walking back the common room with Blake in Dracos arms, she just looked up at the sky. 'The sky looks pretty,' she said as he head rested against his shoulder. He looked up while walking. 'Yeah the moon looks pretty,' Draco said smiling slightly as he continued to look forward.

'Well what's the moon without her star?,' she whispered looking at him. He turned his head at looked at her, with an expression trying to hide his sadness. 'Well what's a star with his moon?' he asked looking in her eyes. She just stared at him for a bit, taking it in, until she shifted her gaze and just leaned her head again on his shoulder.

He set her lightly on the couch in the common room and rushed to get his wand from his room. He came rushing back down to help her.

'Episky,' he whispered and her knee cracked back together. Letting out a muffed groan, she sat there panting due to the pain. He placed bandages on her knee to help with the bleeding and stood up next to her.

'Let's see if you can walk on it,' he said holding out his hand for her to take. She hesitated, but took it. She stood and it just felt like it was sore, but nothing more. 'Thank you,' she said but didn't look at him. 'Yeah no problem,' he said scratching the back of his neck. She went to walk away, but he stopped her.

' Im sorry,' he said looking deeply in her eyes. 'You can be sorry all you want and I can forgive you, but that doesn't change the fact that you obviously are doing things to make Astoria feel like she's your girlfriend,' she said quietly, taking her hand out of his, and walked back to her room.

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