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'So Theo, why are you wearing swim trunks with snakes all over them?' Blake asked as she dangled from over Draco's shoulder. 'Because Slytherin, duh,' Theo said as he walked back with Blaise, Daphne, and Pansy. 'Do a spin for me,' Blake said as she looked up at Theo. Theo spun around showing himself off, causing everyone to laugh.

'You have a nice ass Theo,' Blake said falling back against Draco's back. Everyone started laughing even more. 'But not as nice as Draco's,' Blake added. 'Stop staring at my arse,' Draco said as he adjusted her on his shoulder. 'It's not like your not looking at mine,' Blake said and Draco instantly shut up. She reached down and squeezed his ass, making him jump and everyone to laugh even more.

'Do not do that,' Draco said as he walked in first in the common room. 'Don't be a party pooper,' Blake said as Draco began to walk up the stairs to her room. 'Goodnight Blaise, Theo, Daphne. Pansy my love do not miss me too much,' Blake yelled down at everyone. 'I'll try not to,' Pansy yelled back as she held her hand over he heart for dramatics.

Draco walked into Blake's room and threw her on the bed. 'Can you grab me clothes,' Blake asked tiredly, pointing to a dresser. He walked over and grabbed a big t-shirt from one drawer and opened another one, revealing all her underwear. 'Awe how'd you know my favorite color?,' he asked holding up a pair of green lacy underwear. 'Haha give me that,' she said snatching it out of his hands. She walked into the bathroom and changed into the long shirt and new pair of underwear.

Stepping out she saw Draco sitting on her bed. He stood up when he saw her standing there. 'So you're okay right?' he asked scratching the back of his neck. 'Yeah I'm good,' Blake replied walking closer to him. 'That's good. So I should go,' He said watching her step closer. 'Yeah it's getting late,' she said now standing right in front of him. 'So goodnight,' he said and began to turn around, but Blake caught his hand and connected their lips.

Draco was shocked but quickly kissed back. Blake tangled her hands in his hair as he pushed her against the wall. His grip on her waist was tight as he bit her bottom lip. She gasped at the sudden feeling and he slipped his tongue in her mouth. She held on to him tightly trying to pull him closer, but then he stepped back.

She was leaning against the wall and he stood in front of her. Both out of breath. 'We can't, you're drunk,' he said as he adjusted his shorts. 'Well you better do it when i'm sober then,' she said walking closer to him. She brought her mouth to his ear and whispered, ' Goodnight Draco,' and gently kissed his neck on last time.


'Okay Zeus, let's get the potion finished,' Blake said as she sat in an unused classroom. She was working on a growth potion that was supposed to be done in the next two days. 'Do not use on live animals. Could be dangerous,' Blake read out loud. 'Hm well Zeus you're not dangerous right?' Blake asked and he barked. 'Exactly,' she said stirring it for the final time. She brought up the potion to add only a single drop. But Zeus knocked over the cauldron, spilling it all over him.

'Oh no. Oh no. Fuck,' she said as she stood up away from the potion. She looked over at Zeus and already starting to grow. 'Okay Zeus let's play a game okay? Follow me around the school, okay?' Blake asked and he barked excitedly. She looked at him one last time and saw his paw already the size of a seat of a chair. 'Okay fuck,' she said as she walked out of the classroom. She could hear the little thumps following close behind, but it quickly turned into ground shaking stomps. She stopped and looked seeing the tail of a once palm size Zeus, now bigger than a Mountain Troll.

'Shit,' she said as began running. She looked over her shoulder and saw Zeus who now, was as big as the height of the hall, started to change his walking to running.

Sprinting now at this point, she was being quickly followed by Zeus. Passing some wondering students, and getting some screams from girls, she tried to find the closes place to go outside.

Turning one corner, she saw all her friends. 'Someone get me Professor fucking Snape!,' she yelled as she ran passed them. They all looked at each other confused, until they saw a giant Zeus chasing her. Pansy dropped her muffin on the ground and Daphne jumped behind Blaise. Draco stared wide eyed. Fred looked at George in complete and utter confusion. ' THAT MEANS NOW!' she yelled again from farther away, and they all rushed to go find him.

Making her way outside finally, she turned and looked at Zeus who was now sprinting after her. She put her hands on her hips and he began to slow down. 'Sit!' she yelled and Zeus stopped and fell right next to her. Rolling her eyes at him rubbing his back on the grass, she fell down next to him, waiting for Snape to get there.

After waiting another 30 minutes for Snape, and getting lectured for another hour and half about how that was reckless, stupid, idiotic, dangerous and about every other bad adjective ever said, Snape helped change Zeus back.

By the time the potion shifted Zeus back, it was already late and she had already missed dinner. Grabbing a small again Zeus, she put him on the ground and he ran towards the common room. But not wanting to go back yet, she started making her way to the Astronomy Tower.

Out of breath from the long staircase, she made it to the top. 'Oh shit sorry I didn't know anyone would be up here,' she said to the figure looking over the edge, too dark to see who it was. 'I don't mind if you stay,' the figure replied and she knew exactly who it was. 'Well well what if Fred Weasley doing up here at this hour?' she asked as she stood next to him. 'I could ask you the same thing,' she said smirking at her. She lightly laughed and looked at view. 'I've never been up here before,' she said as she looked all around. 'It's a pretty nice view,' he said as he still looked at her.

' Im sorry for your party again. And for Pansy spilling the charm, I didn't know she would,' she said looking back at him. 'Like I said, don't even worry about it,' he now turned to face her.

' Im sorry for that piece of shit though. He should have some human decency to not do that,' Fred said and she laughed lightly. 'Yeah but seeing how that can be a rare case for men, I shouldn't be surprised,' she replied. ' Maybe you just haven't been around the right type of men,' he added as he nudged her with his elbow. 'Oh yeah, well I'll look into the change of company,' she said with a smile plastered on her face.

'I really have to do something,' Fred said now standing in front of her. 'Oh if you have to go it's okay,' she said trying to hide her disappointment of them cutting off their hang out. He simply shook his head laughing, 'No no, i'm not leaving. But only if you want to,' he said now reaching out to stroke her cheek with her thumb. When she didn't move, he moved his thumb to her bottom lip, pulling it down slightly. 'Fuck,' he groaned under his breath and brought their lips together.

He grabbed under her thighs and she jumped instantly. Pulling his hair slightly, the kiss became rougher. He pushed her up against the wall and his hands were on her thighs that were wrapped around him. Breaking the kiss, he started kissing down her neck. Little whimpers started leaving her mouth as he got lower.

Moving back to her lips, he hovered over them. 'I've wanted to do this ever since I saw you,' he whispered against her lips and she grabbed the back of his neck to kiss him again.

a/n - action from draco and fred hehe make sure to vote !

forevermore ; fred x OC x draco Where stories live. Discover now