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'You know a date to a ball doesn't mean you're dating,' Blake said fixing the bag over her shoulder. 'Yeah but when Fred was fucking me last night, well things happened to where we are dating again,' Angelina said taking a step closer in Blake face.

Anger now overpassed the sadness. How dare these bitches come up to me and say this? Blake thought to herself. 'Okay cool, can you move now?' Blake said as a crowd of people started to grow around the three of them. 'Oh no I don't think you've really gotten the idea,' Astoria said. Blake looked around and saw Fred standing next to George, a look of sadness and regret grew on his face. She looked the other way and saw Draco with the same expression. She pushed between the two girls and went to walk to the common room, but when she heard Angelina mutter, 'Siren Freak,' making a few girls laugh, she lost it.

Blake dropped her bag and turned back towards them. Walking up she grabbed Angelina's throat, pushing her against the wall and making the crowd around them gasp. Her eyes were a deep blood red and Angelina was clawing at her hand to be free.

' Siren freak huh? Tell me, do you like being able to be do magic? Does that make you feel special? More than the whore you're acting like?' Blake said in a calm voice, making the hall grow silent. Angelina looked at her confused on what she meant.

Blake felt her finger nails grow into a sharp point, making her smirk. 'How would you feel if I took that away? If I just made you a pathetic squib?' she whispered and then swiftly cut a line under her jaw. Blue glowing magic seeped from the cut, flowing into Blake's skin from Angelina, making everyone gasp.  'What if I just take it all away?' she asked calmly and Angelina looked at her terrified.

'So I suggest, you never fucking look at me again, you pathetic piece of shit. You are worth nothing compared to me, you will never be anything compared to me, you are nothing, simply comparable to the dirt under my fucking shoe you slut. And for the ball, you really wanna see siren freak? Just fucking wait. Because you never know, maybe you'll just walk in on Fred fucking me saying how much better I feel compared to you. Now leave,' Blake said whispering the last two sentences.

She let go of her throat and Angelina fell, running away from her. She looked around and saw everyone staring at her with wide eyes. She made eye contact with Fred, and then Draco. Rolling her eyes she picked her bag back up. 'You all can leave now,' she said as she began walking away, making everyone scurry off.

She was about to turn the corner when she heard someone call after her. 'Hey wait!' the girl said making Blake turn around. She knew exactly who is it was based on her hair. 'I'm Ginny,' she said smiling holding out her hand. 'Blake,' she said taking her hand to shake.

'That was so fucking cool. I don't like Angelina either. Can you really take her magic away? I saw it leave her and oh my god that was the most bad ass thing i've ever seen,' Ginny began rambling, making Blake smile. 'Well yeah but it's more complicated than that, I don't really know how to take it all away, so I kind of just guessed and went with it,' she said making Ginny laugh loudly.

'And making Ron do whatever you said? Genius! Man I really wish I could do that,' Ginny said smiling brightly at her. 'Well if you ever want them to do something for you, just let me know and I'll make it happen,' Blake said winking at Ginny, a slight blush growing on the younger girl.

'And just so you know, Fred didn't sleep with Angelina last night like she said. The whole Weasley bunch was in the common room playing chess all night,' Ginny said making Blake nod, turning and walking away.

Entering the common room, she was tackled to the ground. 'What the fuck,' she said groaning but looking up to see Adrian on top of her.

'Oh you are not Marcus,' Adrian said still on top of her. 'Yeah never thought I was,' Blake said laughing. 'That thing you did to Angelina was cool as fuck,' Adrian said smiling down at her. 'Yeah I'm amazing, but I can't breathe,' she said laughing again as he got off of her.

'Hey so about the ball, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?' Adrian said helping her off the ground. Blake looked up at him at smiled. 'Yeah I would really like that,' she said smiling at him and walked to her room.

Little did she know, Draco was sitting on the couch with Theo, clenching his fists tightly.

Walking into her room Pansy and Daphne were already throwing dresses everyone trying to pick one.

' Oh good you're back, you got a package,' Pansy said, her eyes sight not leaving the dresses she laid on the bed.

Walking over to the bed, she undid the note;


The one word note was written in messy handwriting. She flipped it over to find the word was in fact, Woof. 'Did you guys do this?' Blake asked the two girls. 'No what is it?' Pansy asked. Blake didn't respond when she remembered the dream she had the other day.

She opened the dress and pulled out one of the most beautiful dresses she had ever seen.

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forevermore ; fred x OC x draco Where stories live. Discover now