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' I'm going to go find Pansy and Daphne,' Blake said smiling out of breath to Adrian. 'Okay better find me later love for a dance,' Adrian said smiling as she walked away.

Adrian walked in the direction of Marcus but was stopped by two figures. 'You two looked like you were having fun,' Draco said crossing his arms over his bare chest. 'Yeah seems you guys have gotten super close,' Fred said crossing his arms the same way over his bare chest. Adrian looked at the both of them and broke out laughing.

' What's so funny?' Fred asked with the same demeanor. 'The both of you. Trying to work together to find out who is getting close to her even though you both like her. It's like the only competition has to be between the two of you,' Adrian said between laughs.

Fred and Draco both looked at each other and then shook their heads and looked back at Adrian. 'But while I know you two may like her or whatever, she's aloud to talk to guys. Plus she came in and looked at the two of you wanting to talk. It's not my fault you both were already talking to Johnson and Greengrass 2.0,' Adrian finished and pushed past the two, still letting out soft laughs. Draco looked at Fred and the two shot dirty looks at each other and walked away. Walking over to a spot where they would each have their own view of Blake.

Blake made it to Pansy and Daphne and they were standing at the drinks table. Shot after shot, they were starting to feel the affects of the alcohol fast. Swaying her hips, Blake began pouring another round for her and the girls, but stopped her movements when she felt a hand slip around her and land on her lower stomach.

She dropped the shot and turned around. Meeting the gaze of obviously an older Ravenclaw. He was looking down at what she was wearing, and she shot she gaze over to her friends who were a few steps away talking about something.

'You don't know me, but I'm jake. Ravenclaw,' he said smirking, his hand still resting on her bare skin. 'You obviously know who I am, and I don't like to be touched,' Blake said trying to step away but his hold on her waist got tighter. 'Blake I was just thinking we could have some fun together,' he said leaning in to kiss her. She instantly brought her head back and hit it against his nose. 

He fell with a loud grunt that brought everyone's attention to them. He looked up at her holding his bloody nose. She smirked down at him and his eyes began to gloss over with anger. Pansy and Daphne quickly made their way over to her side, along with Blaise, Theo and Draco all standing close by. Fred, George, and Lee were also standing close across from them.

'Fucking bitch,' Jake said standing up. 'They were right about you you know. I thought it was rumors what you did to Potter in class. Fucking crazy. And heard what you did to the boy at Dumstrang, what a fucking freak,' he spat at her. Anger was rising, and it being mixed with alcohol, was not a good thing.

'Freak huh? Crazy? Hm,' She said looking at the table of drinks. She reached over and grabbed the closes bottle. Swinging it she broke it across the table. Holding the broken bottle in her hand, she looked up at him. ' You really wanna fucking crazy?' She asked, ignoring the whole party crowding around them.

She held out her arm and brought down the broken bottle, cutting a line against her skin. Gasps were coming from the crowd around them. She closed her fist, and instantly the cutting started closing. She looked back up at him and he stared wide eye at her. 'Yeah Crimson Bloodline bitch,' she said and swung the bottle at him.

But was stopped when it almost got to him. Now she was looking at the ground hanging from someone's back. 'Draco put me down now!' she said trying to push herself off of him. 'No you're going to kill him,' he said as he turned sidewides so the two of them could see Jake. 'You're fucking crazy,' Jake said staring at her. 'Be fucking grateful someone stopped me. Last time someone put their hands on me without consent, well let's just say he's still unconscious,' she spat trying to get off of Draco's back. After she said ' without consent' the whole crowd turned to Jake with a disgusted look.

'Oh please. This is why we don't invite Slytherins to the party,' Jake spat wiping blood off of his face again. 'You're going to regret saying that. If I see you even 5 feet away from me, your going to be getting an owl the next day saying you don't have a house to call home anymore!' she yelled. 'Oh is that a threat?' he asked. 'No. It's a fucking promise,' Blake spat.

Jake turned to some of his friends as they all looked at him hesitantly. 'Guys come on she was asking for it by what she was wearing'- Jake began saying but was cut off by a fist colliding with his jaw. 'Clothes are not consent,' Fred said heaving over the barely conscious body.

Fred turned towards Blake and gave her a weak smile. He walked over to Draco who still was holding Blake in the air. 'Take her to her room,' Fred said to Draco and he nodded. Draco began to turn to walk away, but stopped when Blake reached and grabbed onto Fred's shoulder. Draco stopped and Fred turned around.

' Im sorry for ruining your party,' Blake said as the alcohol started to slur her speech. 'Don't be darling. Party was about to be over anyways,' Fred said smiling. Blake shot him the big toothy grin she gets when she's drunk, and when he saw it he instantly perked up. He leaned over to kiss her cheek and after he got done, Draco walked to her room.

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