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Blake starred up at him. 'I have plans tonight, but after i'll come straight there,' she said with a smile playing on her lips.

'Good,' Draco said smiling looking up her. He leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.


Blake was walking to the Gryffindor common room when she heard foot steps coming towards her. She looked up and saw Dean walking with his head down, a new violet shade of hair on the top of his head.

'Hey Violet,' she said with a slight laugh, but it instantly died out when he glared at her.

'Why is this happening?' Dean said annoyed and looking down at her.

'Why are you asking me like I know? Maybe you pissed someone off,' she said returning his annoyance.

'I haven't pissed anyone off! It happened on the second day of fucking school and still happening!' he yelled, echoing off the empty hall.

'Don't fucking yell at me! I'm not the one doing it,' she yelled and moved to walk past him.

'Yeah but if you didn't start whoring yourself out to people, it wouldn't,' he said in a low voice.

She stopped in her tracts. He'd never spoke to her like that, let alone slut shame her for talking to a few boys. She turned around to face him again.

'Fuck you Dean,' she said to move closer to him. 'Is your ego so big that you can't handle someone being mad at you? You're a piece of shit honestly,' she scoffed and stepped back away from him.

'Fuck me? You have the whole school at your feet and it can't be because you "look pretty". They want something that your giving out huh? Now i have people fucking with me because I'm your friend. How does that make sense huh?' he said, his voice booming in the hallway.

Tears were filling her eyes, making the new red look glossy. 'Then leave,' she said as tears fell on her cheeks.

He didn't say anything. He scoffed at her and turned back, continuing his walk to the common room.

She hurried and wiped her eyes. She didn't need him if he was just going to be a dick. She looked at the watch on her wrist and saw it was already 9:15. She decided to just tell Fred she was too tired or forgot.

She looked at the window and how the stars filled the sky, then she saw her little fluff ball running around the black lake and she decided to go with him.

Minutes passed and finally two people lifted up the borrowed invisibility cloak.

'Your plan worked,' Draco said as he stepped away from him.

'I told you it would, fucking prick won't be missed,' Fred said making the both of them laugh.

'Now that he's gone, our planning with each other stops,' Draco said looking at Fred.

'I guess so, may the best man win,' Fred said.

'Well that will obviously be me because she ditched you and is spending the night in my dorm,' Draco said with a smirk.

'Wait Malfoy! What the hell does that mean!' Fred called after him.


Blake held a tiny Zeus in her hands and was on her way to drop him off at Pansy's. She arrived at her dorm and just let herself in.

'Knocking would be nice,' Pansy said wrapped in a towel.

'Shut up,' Blake said laughing as Zeus jumped out of her arms and onto Pansy's bed.

'So why were you crying?' Pansy said as she slipped on a t-shirt.

'I was not crying,' Blake said defensibly.

'Your lying. Just tell me,' Pansy spoke softly as she began to pet Zeus.

'Dean is going to leave. He is blaming all the shit happening to him on me, called me a whore, and then i told him to leave if it's so bad,' Blake said as she sat on the bed.

'You okay?' Pansy said looking at her.

'Yeah i'll be fine, more important things to worry about,' she said and flashed her red eyes at her.

'You doing okay with that too?" Pansy asked now concerned.

'Yes, yes. If i'm not, you'll be the first to know,' Blake said kissing her forehead. 'I'll see you in the morning okay?' Blake said and Pansy nodded goodbye.

Blake slowly made her way to Draco's dorm. She barley had a chance to knock a second time when Draco's hand shot out and grabbed her, connecting their lips as soon as the door closed.

forevermore ; fred x OC x draco Where stories live. Discover now