Chapter 25

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‘I think you need to talk to your grandfather’ Jackson said, having patiently listened as I explained my memory fiasco. The expression he held in his eyes when he said it, or rather thought it, told me that he knew something I didn’t, but I didn’t press on deciding to trust his advice.

“Where’d the other two go?” I realized for the first time that the other two guys where nowhere to be seen.

‘Inside the house’ Jackson replied.

“I guess I’ll go inside then too” I said, getting up and starting to tread my way towards the cabin.

‘I’ll be there in a sec, I’ve got to shift back first’ Jackson told me and made his way over to the back of the cabin.

The front door was slightly ajar when I made my way up to the front porch. I cautiously pushed open the door, taking a peak inside before stepping in.

The entrance opened up to a rustic living room, with chunky furniture dotting the room in a way that made it more cozy than claustrophobic. I closed the door behind me before stepping further into the house.

I looked around the living room, taking in all the wolfish décor and the few pictures that were scattered about on the wall and the fireplace mantel. One picture practically caught my interest. It was one of my dad, when he was younger, it was a Kodak picture moment of him with another older man, both holding up two salmon fish, cliché fisherman hats adorned on both of their heads. “Hey, you finally came in” I jumped from startle at the voice, and whip lashed around to see who the speaker was.

Before me stood a tall, and built teenage boy with messy blonde hair and a casual smile. I couldn’t help it, I screamed when my mind failed to come up with any recognition of who the boy could be. “Chill! Its me! Porter!” the boy cried out, quick to cover his ears.

“Wh- Porter?” I stuttered out. He was one of the wolves.

“Hey, what happened!?” another voice cried, followed by not one but two teenage boys barging into the living room. “Are you okay?” the grey eyed on ask, and I managed to recognize him as Jackson.

“S-sorry” I stumbled out “I guess I forgot you guys changed back into people”

“Sheesh” the other, who by process of elimination had to be Grady, said “it sounded like Porter was trying to rape you or something”

“Do I look like a rapist!?” Porter scowled back at him.

“A little” was Grady’s cheeky reply before disappearing back into the kitchen, an angry Porter followed after him.

“Yeah, its weird at first, learning about everything. But you get use to it” Jackson said, flashing me a sympathetic half smile. He stood at around six feet, with a football player build, messy brown hair and grey eyes that matched Porter’s.

“Yeah…its defiantly weird” I confirmed. “Where’s my grandfather?”

“His trucks not in the driveway so he probably went into town” Jackson guessed, scratching the back of his head. “he should be back soon”

“Unless he’s at Jack & Jill’s with Emilia” Porter butted in, making a reappearance.

“Jack & Jill’s Family Grill!” Grady popped his head in for a moment, announcing the name in a sing song voice before disappearing back again. It was clear he very much loved the name.

“Emilia’s in Africa” Jackson said in the tone I used whenever James asked me where the cookies where kept, again.

“I went upstairs earlier, and I saw her bags dumped in the entrance to their bedroom” Porter informed him, walking over to one of the couches and plopping down.

“She’s back then” Jackson confirmed and Porter nodded once more at him.

“Whose Emilia?” I questioned.

“Your grandmother” Porter replied, flipping through the channels, a bored expression on his face.

Well, what do you know. I have a grandfather and a grandmother. What was next, a brother? I snorted at the thought at first, but then the though crossed my mind again and I realized that it wouldn’t be that preposterous.

Maybe those two boys where my brothers. I thought back to the memory with the blue eyed boy and the red eyed wolf named Nate. “Nate..” I thought aloud “T-that guy, back at Nakoma! With the red eyes, his name was Nathan!” how had I not put this together before!?

“Yippee, you know your brother’s name.” Porter said with a roll of his eyes. Jackson suddenly smacked him, a growl escaping his throat.

“I don’t think she knew that you idiot!” Jackson hissed vividly at him, his tone barely going above a whisper in the hope that I wouldn’t overhear. But I did.

I staid silent. I wasn’t shocked about the news, no, I was angry. Partially because my parents had lied to me once more about something so important and also because I couldn’t remember. Who forgets that they have a brother!? My lips where pressed into a thin line at this point, as I contemplated further. “I’ll be outside” I simply spoke, heading back out to the porch.

“W-uh…” Jackson stumbled to find the right words that never came to him. “Um..well, be in here then….” he spoke, watching as I shut the door closed behind me. I walked over towards the porch swing, sitting down Indian style on it.

Alpha Nathan was my brother. I let out a sigh at the thought. It explained why me and James hadn’t been killed, and despite everything else I found myself a bit relieved by this news. James would be safe and sound with our ‘brother’, I was certain of this. “Urrgh” I huffed out miserably, straightening out my legs so that they dangled over the edge of the swing. “If he’s my brother then blue eyes must be too…” I thought aloud, thinking of the blue eyes boy from my dream as I spoke. Another brother I couldn’t remember and another lie from my parents. Wonderful.

A part of my was tempted to go and call my parents. To ask them about everything, to get the truth. But at the same time I didn’t. I didn’t want to listen to them, to hear whatever excuses they had for lying about all of this. “Is this some sick kind of game to you!?” I cried out, staring up at the sky as I said it “Making my life like this!?” I continued my rant, wondering if whatever force up there was actually listening. “WELL!?” nothing. Nada. Zip. The universe staid silent, clearing enjoying the mess it had made of my life.

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