Chapter 30

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*Nicky’s POV*

I took off for the forest before the sun had even risen, hiding myself up in the top of the trees as I made my way towards Mossbrooke. I was nervous, needless to say, but I was also excited, and that excitement is was compelled me to continue on closer to the forbidden town.

Unfortunately that excitement didn’t help stop My thoughts from dwelling on the consequences’ that awaited me if I was caught doing this. I would be grounded for months, no years, possibly the rest of my life! I shouldn’t be doing this. I stopped at this thought, my feet were only one more step away from crossing over into the oh so forbidden territory that was Mossbrooke. “If you don’t do it now you’ll never do it” I chided at myself, before taking in a small breathe and crossing over.

To be honest, I thought something drastically exciting would happen when I crossed. But everything was just, normal. So I continued on, my eyes scanning over the forest that in fact, much to my own disappointment, wasn’t much different than my own. Worst. Adventure. Ever. I thought, my lips pursed and pulling down into a frown. “I’m so not about to get grounded for this lame adventure!” I complained to myself, spinning around on my heels and turning back. Unfortunately for me, I failed to notice the large root in front of me. The front of my foot caught, and I fell forwards towards the ground, but thanks to my elfish reflexes, I managed to dart my hands up in front of me, stopping my face a few inches before it hit the ground.

I let out a low sigh, starting to push myself back up when I noticed where my hands had fallen. My right hand was inside of a paw print. A big, wolf paw print, that by the looks of it were fresh. Really fresh.

When I turned my gaze up from the ground and forward, I fully expected to come face to face, or rather face to snout with the owner of said mentioned tracks, but when I found myself staring at feet. Normal, human like feet, I was even more terrified.

I’d been caught! I thought with horror, shooting up into a sitting position and staring up at owner of the feet, wanting to see the face of the elf who would be the bringer of my eternal grounding. “I didn’t do anything wrong” I blurted out even before I had laid my eyes on the elf.

“What didn’t you do wrong?” the stranger I was staring up at asked, staring at me with curious eyes.

“You- you’re not an elf” the words stumbled out from my mouth before I could even stop them. Way to go Nicky, you just spilled a centuries old secret to a complete stranger.

“You’re an elf?” the boy spoke excitedly, plopping down onto the ground in front of me.

“No..” I retorted back rather slowly.

“Then what are you?” the boy questioned, his head tilting curiously to one side “I can tell by your scent that your not human”

“My scent?” I spoke. He was nuts.

“I’m a werewolf” the boy spoke, sounding as if this information should’ve been already obvious.

“You’re a werewolf?” I confirmed. It took a few blinks before the information slowly processed through my brain. Werewolves. That’s why papa had banned Mossbrooke! It belonged to werewolves! Then with horror, my eyes widened as I realized Alan had sent me here well aware of its dangerous residents. Did he want me to DIE!??

“You think I’m going to hurt you. Don’t you?” the boy whimpered, dragging me out from my thoughts. YES! I was about to say, but the heartbroken expression on his face shut me up. “I promise I won’t” he whimpered out again, staring at me with the best puppy dog expression I had even seen.

“Pinky promise?” I half joke, holding out my pinky for him to take.

“Pinky promise!” the boy grinned, doing a completely one eighty on his attitude. He wrapped his pinky around mind, and the small tingle of sparks it sent through my hand sent heat rushing up to my face.

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