Chapter 20

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*Emily’s POV*

Dogs. That was all I could hear at this moment. The pitchy little screechy voices of dozens of, what sounded like, little lap dogs. “Tada!” Violet exclaimed a few moments later as she appeared into me room.

“What did you do?” I asked her quizzically, my ears partially covered with my hands.

“I set one hundred black and white Chihuahuas and one yorkie lose into the forest” Violet said with a huge grin. Taking obvious delight in the silliness of her diversion.

“Why?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“They’re noisy, tiny, and difficult to catch, even when you do have hands, and just the sight of them with stun them motionless for a good few minutes” was Violets reply and at this I found myself impressed by the hidden brilliance of her plan. “Ready to go?” she asked me, and I nodded my hand grabbing onto the crystal necklace which I now wore despite how uncomfortable it felt seeing as I was already wearing my lucky wolf pendant. “Close your eyes” she ordered and I did so.

I sucked in a deep breath and held it in as rays of purple light filtered they way into my clothes eyes. Then suddenly, the strangely familiar feeling of falling overcame me and I prepared myself for what I knew would come next.

My back hit the ground and at this I let out the deep breath I had been holding in. “Ow” I grunted, as I forced myself up. I dusted off the dirt from my bag and pants before looking around at my surroundings.

It was all greenery and trees from as far as my eyes could see. Trust your instincts. I thought as I looked around hurriedly.

Well, common sense was telling me to run away from the sound of one hundred Chihuahuas and one yorkie, so seeing as I had little to not instincts at the moment I decided to listen to common sense, and took off running in the opposite direction of the yapping dogs.

As I ran the trees and shrubs became nothing more than a blur of green as I passed by them, the only though on my mind being to escape, to get as far away from here as possible to find a road and run to the nearest town and figure out where the hell I was and what was the fastest way to get to Mossbrooke. Unfortunately though, since my mind was so preoccupied with other things, I failed to notice the small ledge up ahead until the last minute.

I tried to skid to a stop once I realized I was running straight towards a ledge, but I ended up skidding all the way to the edge where I found myself teeter tottering back and forth before I tumbled over and off of the ledge onto the down sloping hill. I let out a small cry for help as I tumbled down to the hill, rocks and various roots violently lashing at my body as I continued down the hill.

The slope slanted down more violently suddenly, to the point where I was half flying half rolling my way down it and even more rocks lashed at my face. I tried to shield my face with my arms but the action was to difficult to do, and as a result my face continued to be beaten to bruises. Another cry of help escaped my mouth, a pure adrenaline reaction.

HELP! the thought felt like it had boomed its way out from the tight confinements of my mind and out into the open. But I only had a few seconds to contemplate over this before my ankle struck a rock.

Finally, after what felt like hours but probably had only been a few minutes, the ground evened out and the rolling stopped.

“Ow” the sound came out like a mangled cry as I held back the stream of tears that threatened to flow out. I tried to lift my hands up to my face to wipe away the salty tears that stung as they rolled down the multiple scratches on my face, but my arms cried out in pain at the action, having gotten injured themselves.

So, I just laid there for a few moments, staring miserably up at the sky above as I wallowed in my own self pity. I was pathetic. I was possibly the most pathetic werewolf ever to have existed in the entire existence of werewolves.

So what, your just going to give up now? My consciousness chided at me. After Violet did all this to get you away, your going to let a few bruises and scratches stop you? I let out a small growl. Stupid conscious. I thought, forcing myself up and ignoring the searing pain that shot up my arms at the action.

Come on Emily, you got away from those werewolves back in Ohio, and that witch Cruella back in Michigan, and you can get away now! I encouraged myself. My teeth grinding together as I shakily got up onto my feet. Ignoring the pain, I forced myself to walk. Clutching onto the bark of trees every now and then to steady myself.

Ow. Crap. Yeah, I’m going to fall. Were my last thoughts before my legs buckled underneath me, and I fell back down onto the ground. “Ow…” I mumbled weakly, rolling over onto my back. Five minutes. I told myself as I laid there, staring up at the trees looming above. I’ll just rest for five minutes then I’ll get back up. I repeated in my head, counting away the seconds in my head.

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