Chapter 14

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I felt tired. The kind of tired where your eyelids feel like they weigh a hundred pounds and your body is numb and you can’t focus your eyes on anything. I slumped against the metal bars, and tried to force myself to stay awake, but every time I blinked I felt myself being pulled closer to the oh so sweet land of dreams. Maybe for just a minute. I thought, letting my eyes drift close. I was out like a light in a matter of seconds.


“GIVE IT BACK!!” I screeched at the top of my lugs, tears dotting the corners of my eyes.

“It’s MINE!” a boy with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes screamed back at me.

“GIVE! IT! BACK!!” I cried in such a loud voice I hurt my own ears. I lunged at the boy, trying to grab back my stuffed teddy bear, Mr. Cuddles. The boy quickly dodged out of the way and darted out of the house. “GIVE ME IT!!!” I cried, tears streaming down my face as I followed after the boy with the blue eyes. I screamed childish curses at the boy as I stumbled over tree roots and rocks. The boy ignored me and continued, bounding over the forest floor with an unnatural grace. “GIVE ME MR-” I tripped over a root and my open jaw hit the dirt, my front set of teeth snapping down on my tongue painfully. The taste of blood filled my mouth and tears of pain rolled down my dirt ridden cheeks. I began to blubber, spitting out blood from my mouth.

“Emily?” a small voice squeaked nervously, I looked up to see the blue eyed boy standing a few feet in front of me, one hand still tightly closed around Mr. Cuddles. His eyes widened from shock and fear as he took in the blood coming out from my mouth. “here..” the boy handed me Mr. Cuddles before he lifted me up onto his back. He began to trudge through the forest, back towards the direction of the house. “GRANDPA!” he called out once the silhouette of the house was in plain eye view. “GRANDPA!” he cried again and this time a figure appeared in front of the back doorway.


“Hey, kid, wakeup” the voice broke through the barriers of my sleep, and my eyes groggily opened in response. “How ya’ feeling?” I blinked away the blurriness from my vision, and focused on the figure that stood before me. A brawny man, no older then twenty with purposely spiked red hair stood, hovering above me. My eyes shot completely open, and my leg automatically shot towards the man. “Whoa!” he gasped, grabbing my foot just before it hit him “don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you” he reassured me, I studied the man unsurely, taking in his easy smile and bright brown eyes which held undirected joy. I relaxed, and the man let go of my foot.

“Who are you?” I asked him, forcing myself up into a sitting position.

“Names, Garret” he smiled, holding out his hand towards me. I hesitantly took it, surprised by the warmth that emitted from it.

“Where’s my brother?” the questioned popped into my head as I looked around the tiny, white walled room I was confined in. Garret took on a thoughtful expression for a moment, and lightly tapped the end of his chin as he thought of an answer.

“In the forest, somewhere near the lake I think” Garret finally answered.

“What is he doing there?” I asked, panic growing inside of me.

“Relax, he’s just getting some fresh air, Nate thought it’d be good for him” Garret said, laughing at my fear.

“Whose Nate?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion at how Garret spoke about Nate like I should have known him.

“What?” Garret asked dumbly, as if he hadn’t understood my questioned.

“Whose Nate?” I repeated, more slowly this time. Garret just stared at me for a moment, before his smile sunk into a worried frown.

“You really don’t kno-” at that moment a large silhouette entered the room, and grabbed Garret by the back of his collar.

“Out” the man ordered, a permanent scowl etched on his face. He through a protesting Garret out into the hallway, slamming the door on his face, and then he turned towards me.

A sense of familiarity rang through me as the strangers bright red eyes landed on me. I know him… from somewhere. “What are you doing here?” the man demanded.

“I was knocked out and brought here..” I answered unsurely, the mans rude tone frightening me slightly.

“Not the house, I mean in Montana. What are you doing here in Montana?” the man scowled, and irritated look in his eyes. I held back a scowl myself at the rudeness and impatience of this stranger.

“My dad sent me here” I decided to tell him.

“Here?” the man stressed, his eyes flashing from irritated to confused.

“Well, if here is the address on the paper he gave me, t-”

“Let me see the paper” the man brusquely replied, and waited only a few seconds after he said it before he went and snatched my bag from its temporary residence in the corner of the room. “Is it in here?” once again, he didn’t even wait for an answer before he dumped all the contents of my bag onto the bed. His eyes landed on the paper and he snatched it up, ignoring James’s dagger which had fallen right on top of it. His red eyes scanned over the writing scribbled on the back for a moment, and his mouth sunk into a frown.

“Is this place the address on the paper?” I decided to ask the man, his eyes flickered towards me and he paused for a moment before answering.

“Yeah, it is…"

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