Chapter 6

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“I see them!” I cried excitedly as I spotted one of the wolves.

It had taken an hour to get to Cincinnati Zoo from Aunt Bettie’s house, and another hour to find Wolf Woods since we’d gotten side-tracked so many times by other exhibitions, but we had finally gotten here, and the grin wouldn’t leave my face.

“These are Mexicans wolves” mom said, feeling rather proud of herself for knowing this.

“Or Canis lupus baileyi, if you’re calling them by their scientific name” I informed her.

“Your such a nerd” James laughed.

“Nerds will rule the world one day” I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

“Nu-uh, robots will” he retorted.

“No, nerds”




“Will you two shut it!?” Mel snapped, whip lashing her head around so she could shoot us each a glare.

“Whatever” I huffed, returning my attention back to the wolves who were now staring up at us. My gaze suddenly caught one of the wolves, its golden eyes held curiosity as it observed me.


I blinked in confusion and looked around. Who had said that? I shoke my head in an attempt to clear it. I shouldn’t have eaten all that candy, its making me hear things now.

“Emily” James’s voice broke through my thoughts.

“Yeah?” I asked him.

“Here, mom went and got us something to eat” he handed me hotdog and a coke.

“Oh, thanks” I told him, biting into the hotdog.

“Heh, wook” he said, his mouth half full of his own hotdog, he swallowed it down an continued “That wolf is staring at us”

I looked back and sure enough the golden eyes wolf was staring up at both of us for some reason. I suddenly had a strange feeling that the wolf was trying to warn us of something. No, that’s crazy. I laughed at how silly I was being.

“What’s so funny?” James asked, tilting his head curiously, a habit that we both shared.

“Nothing” I told him “Come on, I want to go check out Tiger Canyon” I told him, finishing off my hotdog in three bites and chugging down the rest of my coke.

“Okay” James said, moving a few feet before he froze. “Who the hell said that?” James asked, looking around.

“Said what?” I asked him, giving him a strange look.

“Someone just talked to me” he said, still looking around.

“Really?” I asked, eyes slightly wide. Apparently I wasn’t the only one hearing things.

“Come on, lets go to another exhibit” dad said as he walked towards us, clapping his hands excitedly. “Your mother and Melinda are already halfway to Tiger Canyon”

“Um, yeah, su-” James paused mid-sentence and his head suddenly snapped back, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed his surroundings. A strange feeling suddenly enveloped me, and I found myself looking around also. Someone was watching us, I could feel it, their eyes analyzing our every move, and I didn’t like it one bit. “Someone’s watching us…” James said, voicing my own thoughts.

“Who?” dad asked, slightly concerned. Whether than concern was about the fact we were being watched or that we were acting strange I couldn’t tell.

“I don’t know” I said, on high alert now. “But I don’t like it”

Suddenly, James shifting gaze stopped and narrowed in one someone, a growl erupted from his throat as he did so. “James, did you just growl?” dad asked incredulously. I was pretty shocked myself by this action, but I still followed James’s stare and they landed on two boys who were farther away than I should’ve been able to see.

My eyes acted alike they were cameras and zoomed in on the boys, who both stood there staring at us with the same annoyed and angered expression James had on. “Emily, James, what’s going on?” dad asked.

“Those two boys down there, they’re staring at us, and not in a nice way” I answered him.

“What two boys?” dad asked, squinting his eyes towards the direction we’d been looking at.

“All the way down there, by the Sea Lions” I answered.

“You can see that far?” dad asked, eyes wide. I nodded and suddenly realization flashed through dads eyes. “how could I notice this before? The strength, speed, the hearing” dad mumbled to himself, shaking his head the whole time. “how did I not notice?”

“They’re coming over here” James growled, his body tensing up.

“The boys?” I asked, looking back to see for myself. Sure enough, the two guys were charging their way towards us, rudely pushing past other visitors with an outraged expression etched onto both their faces.

“Were in Cincinnati..” dad gasped, realizing something for the first time.

“Yeah, so?” I asked.

“Run” dad ordered, ignoring my question.

“What?” James and I asked in unison.

“Run!” dad ordered again, when we didn’t move he grabbed both of us by our arms and forced us to.

“Dad, why are we running!?” I asked him, speeding up my pace to keep up with him.

“Because you two shouldn’t be here at all” dad answered as we slowed down to a speed walk and darted into a sea of tourists.

“How come were the only ones who can’t be here?” I half-scowled.

“Because you’re not human” was my father crazy reply.

“W-what?” I half-laughed half-stuttered.

“Oh, what are we then, water fairies?” James snorted sarcastically. Dad turned the corner and ushered us into a building that seemed to be empty of all life, quietly closing the door behind us.

“I am being dead serious with you two right now” dad said as he turned towards us, finally answering James. The expression on his face showed no sign that he was joking.

“If were not human than what are we?” I asked, keeping one eye out for a hidden camera just in case it turned out I was on some prank show. Which I wouldn’t doubt at the moment.

“You’re werewolves..” was his answer.

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