Chapter 22

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The sun had begun to dip down below the horizon by the time we’d made it to Bridgerook. ‘I think she’s asleep’ Porter noted, glancing up curiously towards Emily.

I’d already know this, having felt her breathing gone soft and steady and few hours back. But despite having fallen asleep, her grip on my fur had stayed put.

‘Should we let her sleep? Couldn’t she like die or something?’ Grady questioned wordily.

‘Die?’ I asked him.

‘Isn’t it bad for people with concussions to sleep?’ Grady frowned, tilting his head again.

‘Who said she has a concussion?’ I replied back.

‘She fell off a cliff and rolled half a mile down a steep hill covered in rocks, I’m amazed she’s not in a coma right now’ Grady said.

‘She seems fine’ Porter cut into the conversation between Grady and I. ‘As long as we keep a close eye on her I’m sure she’ll live to see another day’

We continued on for the next half hour in total silence as we carefully treaded our way through the forests of Bridgerook, taking extra care not to be seen. Normally, it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal if we’d been spotted. People would just think we were freakishly large wolves, but seeing as I was carrying Emily on my back if someone saw us they wouldn’t exactly just move along on their way.

‘I’m so tired…’ Grady mumbled, letting out a big wolfish yawn, his full set of canines exposed as his lips curved away slightly from his mouth and his tongue curved outwards.

‘I made a makeshift den nearby here’ I told him, recalling the past few days I’d spent camping out in Bridgerook. ‘We can rest there for a few hours’ Porter and Grady bobbed their heads up and down tiredly in agreement and followed me as I showed them the way to my makeshift den.

Hidden be an overgrowth of vegetation, large rocks, and protruding tree roots, stood behind a bundle of blueberry bushes, was the entrance to a fairly large cave. I poked my head in and sniffed experimentally to make sure no animals had taken over during my leave. ‘Come in’ I told Porter and Grady as I completely submerged myself inside the cave. I curled myself down onto one side of the cave, my side pressed up against the cool rock to make sure I didn’t roll over in my sleep and squish Emily, who was still peacefully asleep on my back.

‘Night’ Porter mumbled groggily, curling himself down into a ball near the center of the cave.

‘Don’t let the vampires get you while you sleep’ Grady warned his tone taking on a note of serious. That was typical Grady, completely serious about the random of things, and random about the most serious of things.

‘Grady, we’re out in he middle of a forest, I don’t think there are any vampires here’ Porter sighed out, clearly irritated.

‘Oh, okay, fine then. When a vampire starts to suck all the blood out of you don’t come crying to me for help’ Grady huffed out, clearly offended by the tone of Porters voice.

‘Fine, I won’t’ Porter replied, his voice truly saying he didn’t care. This was the end of their conversation, and after a few moments of awkward silence they both drifted off to sleep.

I began to follow after them, my head resting on my paws and my eyes closed and my mind slowly began to zone out and off into dreamland. I was halfway asleep when the sound of a soft toned voice dragged me out and back into the realm of reality. “Are you awake?”

‘I am now’ I replied back, recognizing the voice as Emily’s.

“Where are we?” she asked, and I could feel her sliding off my back and onto the cave floor besides me.

‘A cave’ I told her, turning my head around to look at her. ‘Your scratched up pretty badly’ I noted as I examined her face more carefully this time.

“Yeah” she murmured, rubbing at her scratched with the back of her hand.

Don’t do that’ I growled softly at her, pushing away her hand with my nose.

“I can’t help it” she mumbled softly, her eyes downcast away from mine.

Scoot closer’ I told her.

“Why?” she questioned, but reluctantly listened anyway. I leaned in and licked her face, leaving a trail of slobber as I did so. Emily completely froze, and as I moved my head back I could see her eyes were closed up tightly and the rest of her face was scrunched up in disgust. “ew” was all she said, rolling down her sleeve and moving her arm to wipe away the slobber from her face.

‘Leave it’ I growled, but a small wolfish chuckle bubble out from my throat at her reaction.

“Why?” she asked, opening her eyes to stare at me questioningly, the sleeve of her arm inches away from her face.

‘My saliva has enzymes that help wounds heal more quickly’  I informed her.

“Really?” she asked, unsure of weather or not to believe me.

‘Really’ I told her, she stared at me uncertainly for a second before lowering down her arm. ‘Close your eyes’ I gave her a seconds warning before slobbering all over her face again.

“Eww” she cringed, fighting to stop herself from wiping away my saliva.

‘Sorry, I didn’t get your face completely the first time’ I told her sheepishly ‘If it makes you feel better, a dogs mouth is cleaner than a humans’

“I doubt that” Emily mumbled in reply. She was upset with me. For slobbering all over her face. And this fact upset me down to the very core.

‘Don’t be mad’ I whimpered my voice drenched with misery. I found myself unable to cope with her not liking me, and it wasn’t like I didn’t know why. Andrew had spent quite a bit of time teaching us about the particular subject of soul-mates, and it hadn’t taken long for me to figure out that Emily was my soul-mate. Not that she knew this, the whole knowing who your soul-mate was at first sight was a bit of a sixth sense only a handful of supernatural’s had and as far as Emily was concerned, she wouldn’t obtain this sixth sense until she shifted.

So yeah, I was going to be stuck in the friend zone for a while. Not that I minded, I didn’t exactly plan to tell her we were soul-mates, I’m not sure how well she would cope with this large bit of information after all the other things she’d discovered about the past few days. I think I’ll just wait a while to tell her.

“Don’t you use your puppy dog eyes on me…” Emily trailed off, realization dawning in her eyes. “Hey, I just realized I don’t know your name”

‘Jackson’ I informed her, ‘and that blonde wolf over there is Porter, my brother, and the other one is Grady, whose like a brother to me’

“Jackson, Porter, and Grady” Emily said aloud, and my heart did a little flip at the sound of her voice saying my name. “It kind of has a nice ring to it”

‘Yeah, I guess’ I replied back. The conversation then fell into an awkward silence as neither of us knew what to say next.

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