Chapter 24

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*Emily’s POV*

I remember this. I thought with a bit of a start, staring around at the small forest clearing.


“GIVE! IT! BACK!!” I cried in such a loud voice I hurt my own ears. I lunged at the boy, trying to grab back my stuffed teddy bear, Mr. Cuddles.


The memory flickered through my mind, my heart beginning to pound louder against my chest. “I’m getting off” the words came out from my mound on their own accord and before Jackson had even stopped walking I slid off from his back.


He began to trudge through the forest, back towards the direction of the house.


I let my memory lead my way. I walked past the clearing and onto a small path in the forest, blocking out the voices of the guys, who where no perplexed and maybe a bit concerned by my actions. Finally, I broke out from the trees.


“GRANDPA!” he called out once the silhouette of the house was in plain eye view.


I just stood there for a moment, on the edge of forest, staring at the cozy wood cabin that until now had only existed in my mind. No. A little voice in my head argued. It had always existed, and it had always been here. I had just forgotten. I had forgotten a lot. And with a sort of sadness that seemed to weigh down on you, I realized I couldn’t remember.

It was like finally realizing that I’d lost something. But I didn’t know what. All I knew that it was important, and that’s what made me sad.

I found myself sitting down onto the ground, brining my knees up to my chest so I could rest my chin on the top. I just stared at the cabin, hoping that it would reveal to me some way of remembering what I had forgotten, what I had lost. ‘Emily?’ Jackson nuzzled my face worriedly, his ears flat against his face and eyes wide with worry.

I turned to face him, and froze once I took in his face. Or rather, his wolf’s face.


Me and the blue eyed boy were sitting down underneath a large willow tree, loudly munching away at our sandwiches.

“Heay, loohk!” the boy said, and when I turned to face him he had his mouth open, displaying his half chewed food for the whole world to see.

“Ewww!” I scowled at him, and he simply let out a laugh before swallowing down his food.

“Have you see Nate?” it was James, who came up to us, and in reply we both shook out heads no.

“Why?” me and the boy both questioned in unison. It was something we did a lot.

“Grandpa’s on the phone, he needs to ask Nate somethin’” was James reply, and as he spoke a black wolf suddenly appeared from out of the blue. A pair of startling red eyes glistening with curiosity.

The black wolf let out a bark, a question as to whether James spoke the truth or not. “Yeah, he’s waiting for you” was James’s annoyed reply. It was clear he had been searching for him for a while now. The black wolf bobbed his head up and down in a nod before taking off. “He think’s just ‘cause he’s a wolf he can do whatever” James complained to us in a angered huff.

“Yeah!” the boy fumed out in agreement, James’s anger lighting up his own. “This morning he took my smiley pancake, and told me he could ‘cause he was bigger than me!” I simply continued on eating my sandwich and listening to their complaints.


‘-Emily, hello? Emily?’ it took a few blinks before I finally came to the realization that Jackson was trying to talk with me.

“Sorry..” I spoke the words out slowly, still slight in a daze.

‘What’s wrong? You’re acting funny..’  Jackson spoke out worriedly.

“Nothing, just…..remembering”

‘Remembering what?’ Jackson further prodded. If he were James I probably would’ve spilled out my guts by now. But he wasn’t my brother, he was a boy, a werewolf non the less, that I had meet only less than a day ago. I was still questioning whether coming with him and his friends had been the best idea.

“I’d rather not say” I answered him.

‘Why not?’ Jackson continued to prod.

“Because, I’ve known you for less than a day” was my answer, and I had a few more minutes of silence before Jackson continued on again.

‘You can trust me, you know…’  his tone stirred up some guilt in the pit of my stomach, and I found myself slowly breaking. Would it be so bad if I told him? I mean, he seemed like a good person, and there was something about him….I don’t know. It was like I knew him, not in the whole normal knowing him like how I knew my friends, but like in a whole other unexplainable way that made me feel like I could..... trust him.

“Back in that Nakoma place….I remembered something and I think that memory set off some sort of chain reaction in my head..”

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